2. Environmental Compliance

Contents Chapter 1 Acronyms


It is the policy of the U.S Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations Office to conduct its operations in compliance with federal, state, and local environmental protection laws, regulations, compliance agreements and decrees, settlement agreements, executive orders, DOE orders, and best management practices. The Department of Energy and its contractors make every effort to conduct operations in compliance with the letter and intent of applicable environmental statutes. The protection of the public, personnel, and the environment is of paramount importance.


The ORR includes three sites managed for DOE by Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., a DOE prime contractor. The three sites include the Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and the K-25 Site. One tract on the ORR, the Scarboro Operations Site, is managed by ORISE. Johnson Controls World Services, Inc., serves as a DOE prime contractor for operation of the Oak Ridge water plant and for the maintenance and repair of construction equipment, automobiles, and trucks.

DOE's operations on the reservation are required to be in conformance with environmental criteria established by a number of federal and state statutes and regulations, executive orders, DOE orders, and compliance and settlement agreements.

Principal among the regulating agencies are the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). These agencies issue permits, review compliance reports, participate in joint monitoring programs, inspect facilities and operations, and oversee compliance with applicable regulations.

When ongoing self-assessments of compliance status identify environmental issues, the issues are discussed with the regulatory agencies in an effort to ensure that compliance with all environmental regulations will be attained. In the following sections, compliance status for the ORR sites with regard to major environmental statutes and DOE orders is summarized by topic.


2.2.1 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed in 1976 to address management of the country's huge volume of solid waste. The law requires that EPA regulate the management of hazardous waste, which includes waste solvents, batteries, and many other substances deemed potentially harmful to human health and to the environment. RCRA also regulates underground storage tanks (USTs) used for the storage of petroleum and hazardous substances.

Subtitle C of RCRA controls all aspects of the management of hazardous waste, from the point of generation to treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD). Hazardous waste generators must follow specific requirements for handling these wastes.

The Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and the K-25 Site are large-quantity generators. Each generate both RCRA hazardous waste and RCRA hazardous waste mixed with radionuclides (mixed waste). The hazardous and/or mixed wastes are accumulated by individual generators at locations referred to as satellite accumulation areas or 90-day accumulation areas, as appropriate, where they are picked up by waste management personnel and transported to a treatment, storage, or disposal facility. At the end of 1995, the Y-12 Plant had about 285 generator accumulation areas for hazardous or mixed waste, ORNL had about 350, and the K-25 Site maintained 338 generator accumulation areas.

ORISE is classified under RCRA as a ``conditionally exempt small-quantity generator.'' Its site accumulation area is located in the Chemical Safety Building on the Scarboro Operations Site.

The Central Training Facility, Bear Creek Valley Road, is also classified as a ``conditionally exempt small-quantity generator.'' The Transportation Safeguards Division Garage, at present, is a small quantity generator. However, because of recycling efforts and product replacements, the reduction of hazardous waste generation at this facility should allow its reclassification to a ``conditionally exempt small-quantity generator.''

RCRA requires that owners and operators of hazardous waste management facilities have operating and/or postclosure care permits. The Y-12 Plant is registered as a large-quantity generator and a TSD facility under EPA ID Number TN3890090001. Most of the units at the Y-12 Plant are being operated under operating permits; however, several units still operate under interim-status regulations in accordance with a Part A permit application, the most recent version of which was approved in July 1991. Amended Part A permit applications were submitted to TDEC in December 1991, August 1993, July 1994, and September 1995 but have not yet been acted on. Six RCRA Part B permit applications have been submitted for 20 active storage and treatment units listed on the Part A permit application. Three of these Part B applications have been approved and issued as RCRA operating permits. The first permit (TNHW-032) was issued by the TDEC on September 30, 1994, for the tank storage units, which include the following:

Permit TNHW-083 was issued by TDEC on September 28, 1995, for the container storage units, which include the following:

Three Class 1 permit modifications were submitted to the TDEC in 1995 for Permit TNHW-032. These modifications included updating the contingency plan, changing the name of the company to Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., updating maps and figures, and minor modifications to the language used in the permit. A Class 1a permit modification request was submitted in 1995 changing the inspection checklists and logs. This modification request was also approved by the TDEC in 1995.

Permit TNHW-084 was also issued by TDEC on September 28, 1995, for the production-associated units, which include the following:

Five units at the Y-12 Plant remain as interim-status units. Eight wastewater treatment units operate in accordance with permit-by-rule regulations.

RCRA postclosure permit applications for the Y-12 Plant Kerr Hollow Quarry and New Hope Pond site were submitted to TDEC during 1995. (See the ``2.2.2 '' section for additional information.)

ORNL is registered as a large-quantity generator and a TSD facility under EPA ID Number TN1890090003. Two additional ORNL facilities, the Walker Branch Watershed Laboratory and the White Oak Creek Embayment, were operated as small-quantity generators under EPA ID Numbers TN8981800008 and TN8891800007 in previous years; however, in 1995 they did not generate any hazardous wastes.

ORNL's most recent Part A revision, dated August 9, 1995, included 36 units. During 1995, 25 units operated as interim-status or permitted units, and another 11 units were proposed (new construction). Construction began on three new storage units: 7668 for mixed wastes, 7883 for transuranic (TRU) mixed wastes, and 7572 for CH-TRU storage. On May 30, 1995, TDEC issued a RCRA permit (TNHW-010A) for eight units (7507, 7507W, 7651, 7653, 7654, 7668, 7669, 7934). Building 7652 continues to operate under the 1986 RCRA permit (TN1890090003 and HWSA-TN001). Tank 7830A received a RCRA permit on October 15, 1992 (TNHW-027).

Seven Class 1 permit modifications were submitted to TDEC in 1995: changing the name of the company from Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., to LMES in three permits, adding newly listed wastes in three permits, and updating the waste analysis plan for the Tank 7830A permit. A Class 1a permit modification request was submitted in 1995 covering the leasing of 1000 acres of the ORR to the East Tennessee Economic Council. TDEC approved and issued the modification, but the modification was appealed by DOE and Energy Systems. The appeal is still pending. Class 2 modifications will be initiated in early 1996 for incorporating newly listed wastes in three permits.

The K-25 Site has received four RCRA permits. The K-1435 TSCA Incinerator is a hazardous waste treatment unit operating under a RCRA permit (TNHW-15) issued byTDEC on September 28, 1987. Issuance of a revised RCRA permit based on trial burn results was received in December 1995. A second permit is for storage of waste at the incinerator. Two other permits cover storage in the former process building vaults.

1995 modifications to the K-25 Site RCRA permits included an update of contingency plan information, changes to the map of the site boundaries and portals, revisions to personnel training sections, removal of waste piles that had not been used to store waste, and submittal of as-built drawings and calculations for newly constructed units. In addition, modifications to permit management of newly listed wastes were submitted. RCRA Assessments, Closures, and Corrective Measures

The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) to RCRA, passed in 1984, require any facility seeking a RCRA permit to identify, investigate, and (if necessary), clean up all former and current solid waste management units (SWMUs). The HSWA permit for the ORR was issued as an attachment to the RCRA permit for Building 7652 at ORNL. The HSWA permit addresses past, present, and future releases of hazardous constituents to the environment. Many HSWA permit requirements have now been integrated into the ORR federal facilities agreement (FFA). (See the ``2.2.2 '' section for details.)

At the Y-12 Plant, 24 RCRA units have been certified closed by TDEC since the mid-1980s. Additional RCRA units requiring closure at the Y-12 Plant include the 9409-5 Tank Storage Unit, the northern section of the Interim Drum Yard, and the Uranium Treatment Unit. Regulatory approval of the closure plans for these units has been received, and closure has been initiated for each of these units. Closure of these units should be completed in CY 1996.

At ORNL, solid waste storage area SWSA 6 is currently undergoing RCRA/Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) closure. The revised closure plan for SWSA 6 was resubmitted to TDEC and EPA for formal review in July 1995. The revision focuses on the integration of CERCLA remediation processes while still addressing the RCRA closure requirements. On October 13, 1995, TDEC approved the Closure Plan for New Hydrofracture Surface Facility (Building 7860). Closure of the facility is nearing completion, and certification is expected by mid-1996. RCRA-mandated corrective actions continue under the CERCLA process.

Closure of the New Hydrofracture Surface Facilities, Building 7860, is pending final approval of the closure plan. RCRA-mandated corrective actions continue under the CERCLA/FFA process.

At the K-25 Site, closure of the K-1413  unit was completed, and certification of closure was submitted to TDEC in July 1995. Land Disposal Restrictions

The 1984 RCRA amendments established land disposal restrictions (LDRs), which prohibit the land disposal of untreated hazardous wastes. The amendments require that all untreated wastes meet treatment standards before land disposal or that they be disposed of in a land disposal unit from which there will be no migration of hazardous constituents for as long as the waste remains hazardous. These restrictions also prohibit storage of restricted hazardous or mixed waste except as necessary to facilitate recovery, treatment, or disposal.

Currently, with the exception of a few organic mixed wastes, the same restrictions apply to mixed wastes, which are composed of a mixture of radioactive and hazardous wastes. In June 1992, negotiation was completed on a federal facilities compliance agreement (FFCA) to resolve the compliance issue of storing restricted waste for a period longer than is necessary to facilitate recovery, treatment, or disposal. The agreement contained a compliance schedule for submittal of strategies and plans for treatment of the backlog of restricted waste through a variety of treatment options. Since then, the Federal Facilities Compliance Act has been passed by Congress to address the extended storage of mixed waste by DOE through agreement with host states. A Tennessee commissioner's order signed on September 26, 1995, culminated negotiations between DOE and the state and established a schedule for treatment and disposal of DOE's mixed waste at Oak Ridge Facilities.

2.2.2 RCRA/CERCLA Integration

The CERCLA and RCRA corrective action processes are similar. Each process has four steps with similar purposes (Table 2.1).

EPA, DOE, and TDEC have negotiated the ORR FFA to ensure that the environmental impacts associated with past and present activities at the ORR are thoroughly investigated and that appropriate remedial actions or corrective measures are taken as necessary to protect human health and the environment. This agreement established a procedural framework and schedule for developing, implementing, and monitoring response actions on the ORR in accordance with CERCLA. The ORR FFA is also intended to integrate the corrective action processes of RCRA and CERCLA.

For example, in April 1993, DOE, TDEC, and Energy Systems signed an agreed order regarding the RCRA postclosure permit for the S-3 Site at the Y-12 Plant, formally agreeing to proceed with CERCLA as the lead regulatory program and with RCRA as an applicable or relevant and appropriate requirement, to the extent that postclosure maintenance and care of former interim-status units will be conducted in compliance with the terms of RCRA postclosure permits. Groundwater monitoring will be integrated with CERCLA programs, and corrective actions will be deferred to CERCLA. Reporting of groundwater monitoring-data will comply with RCRA postclosure permit conditions as well as CERCLA requirements. The RCRA postclosure permit for units located in the Bear Creek Hydrogeologic Regime was modified effective September 12, 1995. This regime-wide permit now includes all units closed under RCRA in the western end of Bear Creek Valley (BCV).

TDEC issued a Class 3 modification to the Chestnut Ridge Hydrogeologic Regime RCRA postclosure permit effective September 19, 1995, and issued the final Chestnut Ridge Security Pits modification to the Chestnut Ridge Hydrogeologic Regime RCRA postclosure permit on March 8, 1996. The site is now under RCRA corrective-action monitoring and postclosure care and maintenance. In addition, TDEC issued the draft Kerr Hollow Quarry modification to the Chestnut Ridge Hydrogeologic Regime RCRA postclosure permit on March 26, 1996. Public notice of the proposed action and comment period was posted on March 29, 1996.

2.2.3 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

CERCLA, also known as Superfund, was passed in 1980 and was amended in 1986 with passage of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). Unlike the other basic regulatory programs summarized in this chapter [such as RCRA or the Clean Water Act (CWA )], CERCLA is a process to respond to environmental problems using other environmental laws and standards to guide the response action. Under CERCLA, abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites where a release has occurred or may occur are investigated, and a site is remediated if it poses significant risk to health or the environment. CERCLA requires that EPA place sites needing CERCLA response on the National Priorities List (NPL). The ORR was placed on the NPL in December 1989. In September 1995 DOE issued a revision to the Oak Ridge Reservation Site Management Plan for the Environmental Restoration Program (DOE 1995 ). The plan represents the DOE approach to satisfying the requirements of CERCLA under the FFA and completing the remediation of the ORR.

More than 200 potentially contaminated units have been identified at the Y-12 Plant, resulting from past operations and waste management practices. Many of these sites have been grouped into operable units (OUs) based on priority, common assessment, or potential remedial actions.

Field sampling activities were completed in the Bear Creek Hydrogeologic Regime during 1995, and work was initiated on the remedial investigation and feasibility study reports. The draft remedial investigation report is scheduled to be issued for regulatory review in the fall of 1996.

A proposed plan and record of decision for Chestnut Ridge OU 2 were issued during 1995. The remedial action will include stabilizing an earthen dam that retains coal ash slurry generated at the Y-12 Plant, repair of the dam spillway, and relocation of a wetland that will be disrupted during construction.

CERCLA activities continued at ORNL during 1995. The postconstruction report for the waste area grouping (WAG) 5 Seep C and D removal action was completed and submitted to the regulators. Both seep collection and treatment systems continue to remove strontium-90 from groundwater emanating from WAG 5 at the designed treatment efficiency. The construction related to the WAG  1, Corehole 8 Removal Action Project was completed during 1995, and collection of groundwater contaminated with strontium-90 was initiated. The Gunite and Associated Tank CERCLA Treatability Study continued during the year. Two incentive task order projects involving CERCLA actions were initiated in 1995: Demolition of the Waste Evaporator Building (Building 3506) and the WAG 4 Seeps 4 and 6 Grouting Project. Planning was initiated concerning potential incentive task order projects to include the Gunite and Associated Tanks and the WAG 1 Surface Impoundments OU remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS).

The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) removal action-Phase 1 was initiated and completed. Planning for future CERCLA actions continued for the MSRE. The WAG  5 remedial investigation was completed in 1995. CERCLA/RCRA integration at WAG 5 North was attempted with the submittal to TDEC of a revised closure plan for SWSA 6. In 1995 Environmental Restoration submitted a revision to the 1988 RCRA Closure Plan for SWSA 6 that proposed an integration of RCRA closure and CERCLA remedial action requirements. As of this writing, no response has been received from the TDEC . Plans to submit a WAG 6 postclosure permit application to TDEC were put on hold per TDEC's request. Background monitoring under the WAG 6 Environmental Monitoring Plan was completed during 1995 and routine monitoring was initiated. Planning continued and field work was initiated during the year with respect to the WAG 7 In Situ Vitrification Project.

There are approximately 190 potentially contaminated units at the K-25 Site, grouped into 12 areas of contamination, including groundwater. 1995 CERCLA activities involved the following actions:

Contaminated water collected from the SW31 spring was transported to the Y-12 Plant's Groundwater Treatment Facility. Activity began in January 1994 as Phase I of the CERCLA remedial action. Phase II began in early 1995 and involves upgrading the K-25 Site Central Neutralization Facility (CNF) to treat the water. Completion of this project is anticipated during calendar year 1996.

The K-1407-B Holding Pond and K-1407-C Retention Basin were RCRA interim-status units until 1994, when closure plans for these units were approved, granting clean closure. Closure certification was received from TDEC in June 1994, and remediation began in July 1994. Remedial construction was completed in January 1995, when both units were filled and capped. These sites are now regulated exclusively by CERCLA.

The K-1070 C/D Burial Ground Feasibility Study was initiated during 1995, with the completion scheduled for spring of 1996. Remediation is anticipated for the spring of 1997.

The K-25 Auxiliary Facilities Assessment commenced activities during the fall of 1995. The removal action is scheduled to commence in 1997 and consists of the demolition and removal of five buildings.

The K-901-A Holding Pond and K-1007-P1 Pond Remedial Evaluation was performed in 1995; the Remedial Site Evaluation Report for the K-901-A Holding Pond at the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (SAIC 1995 ) was published in September 1995 and updated in February 1996 (SAIC 1996a ). It is anticipated that an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis will be published addressing the contaminated silt in September 1996, with construction beginning in fiscal year (FY) 1997.

2.2.4 Federal Facilities Compliance Act

The Federal Facilities Compliance Act was signed on October 6, 1992, to bring federal facilities (including those under DOE) into full compliance with RCRA. The act waives the government's sovereign immunity, allowing fines and penalties to be imposed for RCRA violations at DOE facilities. In addition, the act requires that DOE facilities provide comprehensive data to EPA and state regulatory agencies on mixed-waste inventories, treatment capacities, and treatment plans for each site. The act ensures that the public will be informed of waste-treatment options and encourages active public participation in the decisions affecting federal facilities. TDEC is the authorized regulatory agency under the act for the DOE facilities in the state of Tennessee.

Site treatment plans are required for facilities at which DOE generates or stores mixed waste. The purpose of the proposed site treatment plan is to identify to TDEC the proposed options (treatment method, facility, and schedule) for treating mixed waste at the ORR. For some waste types, these options include continued waste characterization for treatment, development, and/or modification of treatment technologies. The proposed site treatment plan is also being provided to the EPA pursuant to the requirements contained in the ORR LDR FFCA and the Federal Facilities Compliance Act. To the extent possible, the proposed site treatment plan designates specific facilities for the treatment of mixed waste and proposes schedules as set forth in the Federal Facilities Compliance Act. If it is not possible to designate facilities or to adhere to schedules, the proposed site treatment plan provides schedules for alternative activities, such as waste characterization and technology assessment. The main treatment strategies are as follows:

The plan calls for mixed low-level waste on the ORR to be treated by a combination of commercial treatment capabilities and existing and modified on-site treatment facilities. Mixed TRU waste streams on the ORR, composed of both contact and remote-handled wastes, will be treated in the proposed Transuranic Processing Facility (TPF) only as necessary to meet the waste acceptance criteria for disposal at the WIPP. Nine existing on-site facilities will be used to treat inventoried mixed waste. Construction of one new major on-site facility (the TPF) is proposed for the ORR, as described in the plan. The final configuration of new on-site facilities for mixed low-level (radioactive) waste (LLW) streams will depend on the extent to which commercial resources are available.

The proposed site treatment plan was issued to TDEC on April 4, 1995. TDEC has reviewed and modified the proposed plan in accordance with Section 3021(b)2 of RCRA. TDEC has issued a commissioner's order (effective October 1, 1995) which requires compliance with the approved plan.

The Site Treatment Plan (STP) provides overall schedules, milestones, and target dates for achieving compliance with LDR; a general framework for the establishment and review of milestones; and other provisions for implementing the STP that are enforceable under the commissioner's order.

Semiannual progress reports will document the quantity of LDR mixed waste in storage at the end of the previous 6-month period and the estimated quantity to be placed in storage for the next 5 fiscal years. Descriptions will be provided of (1) the progress for treatment of each waste stream during the previous 6-month period and (2) new treatment development. Additionally, the progress report will provide information such as addition or deletion of waste streams, funding activities, any changes in waste form or code, and any technology or capacity needs.

Annual updates of the STP may contain requests for approval of changes. The requests may include, as appropriate, (1) proposed revisions or conditionally approved revisions, (2) proposed new milestones, and (3) other changes to overall schedule.

The STP will terminate when there is no longer any LDR mixed waste being stored on the ORR, regardless of when it was generated. In the absence of an STP, LDR mixed-waste storage would be in violation of RCRA Section 3004(j).

2.2.5 Underground Storage Tanks

UST Program personnel ensure that all active tank and piping systems are in compliance with applicable performance requirements (Subtitle I). These requirements apply to hardware and equipment installed for leak detection, corrosion protection, and spill/overfill prevention. New UST systems (installed after December 22, 1988) must have these features incorporated at the time of installation. Existing UST systems (installed before December 22, 1988) must be upgraded, either by replacement or retrofit, to meet these same performance requirements. UST systems that are not in compliance and will not be upgraded by December 22, 1998, must be permanently closed. Depending on the confirmation of a release, a UST closure can necessitate an environmental assessment of a particular site and a subsequent corrective action.

UST compliance also requires that a certain amount of documentation be maintained in the form of tank tightness records, tank repairs, and/or inventory control records. General operating requirements are outlined in the regulations and are incorporated into the applicable Energy Systems operating procedures. Table 2.2 presents the status of USTs on the ORR.

2.2.6 National Environmental Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) provides a means to evaluate the potential environmental impact of proposed federal activities and to examine alternatives to those actions. Table 2.3 notes the types of NEPA activities conducted at the ORR during 1995.

Energy Systems operates under a procedure that establishes administrative controls and provides requirements for project reviews and compliance with NEPA. Provisions apply (1) to the review of each proposed project, activity, or facility for its potential to result in significant impacts to the environment and (2) to the recommendation based on technical information of the appropriate level of NEPA documentation. The NEPA review process results in the preparation of NEPA documents and supporting information. Federal, state, and local environmental regulations and DOE orders applicable to the environmental resource areas must be considered when preparing NEPA documents. These environmental resource areas include air, surface water, groundwater, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, threatened and endangered species, land use, and environmentally sensitive areas. Environmentally sensitive areas include floodplains, wetlands, prime farm land, habitats for threatened and endangered species, historic properties, and archaeological sites. Each ORR site NEPA program also maintains compliance with NEPA through the use of its site-level administrative and operational procedures. These procedures assist in establishing effective and responsive communications with program managers and project engineers with the goal of establishing NEPA as a key consideration in the formative stages of project planning.

The Y-12 Plant received two approved environmental assessments (EAs): for the Interim Storage of Enriched Uranium Above Historical Level Project and the Hydrogen Fluoride Supply System for Building 9212 Project. These EAs were approved by issuance of ``findings of no significant impact''(FONSI).

ORNL has prepared or supported the preparation of seven environmental assessments. Four of these have been approved and a FONSI issued. They include (1) Construction and Operation of Transuranic and Transuranic Mixed Waste Retrievable Storage Facilities, (2) Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel on the Oak Ridge Reservation, (3) Melton Valley Storage Tanks Capacity Increase Project, and (4) Lease of Parcel ED-1 of the ORR by the East Tennessee Council. The remaining three are in various stages of review and/or preparation. They include (1) Class III/IV Solid Low-Level Waste Storage Area 7; (2) Construction and Operation of the Center for Biological Sciences, Buildings 1010, 1011, and 1012; and (3) Proposed Changes to the Sanitary Sludge Land Application Program on the ORR. National Historic Preservation Act

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires that federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) . To comply with Section 106 of the NHPA, and its implementing regulations at 36 CFR 800, DOE-ORO has seen to the ratification of a programmatic agreement among DOE-ORO, the Tennessee state historic preservation officer (SHPO), and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation concerning management of historical and cultural properties on the ORR. The programmatic agreement, ratified on May 6, 1994, outlines DOE-ORO's plan for the management of cultural and historical properties on the ORR. The programmatic agreement stipulates that DOE-ORO will prepare a cultural resource management plan (CRMP) for the ORR and will provide a draft of the CRMP to the Tennessee SHPO and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation within 24 months of the ratification of the agreement. The agreement also stipulates that DOE-ORO will conduct surveys to identify significant historical properties within the ORR. A draft outline of the CRMP has been completed and is currently being reviewed for submission to the SHPO.

Compliance with NHPA at ORNL, the Y-12 Plant, and the K-25 Site is achieved and maintained in conjunction with NEPA compliance. The scope of proposed actions is reviewed in accordance with the programmatic agreement and, if warranted, consultation is initiated with the SHPO and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the appropriate level of documentation is prepared and submitted. Because the programmatic agreement has improved project review efficiency and has caused a reduction in the number of projects requiring concurrence from SHPO and the advisory council, ORNL, the K-25 Site, and Y-12 Plant experienced a sharp decline in the number of archaeological/historical reviews required for submittal to the SHPO and the council; four reviews were prepared for submittal in 1995.

A survey of the Y-12 Plant to identify sites eligible for the National Register was completed in 1995. In addition, the Y-12 Plant site archaeological survey is under way, scheduled for completion in 1996. Final reports for both surveys are expected by the end of 1996. ORR-wide surveys to identify and evaluate pre-World-War II structures and known archaeological sites for eligibility in the National Register were completed in 1995. Survey results will be incorporated into the CRMP.

A historical consultant acceptable to the Tennessee SHPO was contracted to conduct a survey of all ORISE structures in order to comply with the NHPA. Section 106 of the NHPA requires federal agencies to coordinate with the state and allow the SHPO to review proposed demolition projects and other activities adversely affecting existing structures. During the past 3 years, ORISE removed 40 surplus structures (some requiring decontamination) from the ORR. Two properties, the Freels Cabin and the Atmospheric Turbulence Diffusion Laboratory, were identified as previously included in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register ). Management responsibilities for the Freels Cabin have since been transferred to LMER. Protection of Wetlands

Executive Order 11990 (issued in 1977) was established to mitigate adverse effects to wetlands caused by destruction or modification of wetlands and to avoid new construction in wetlands wherever possible. Protective buffer zones and application of best management practices are required for activities on the ORR. Avoidance of these effects is ensured through implementation of the sensitive-resource analysis conducted as part of the NEPA review process. Coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and TVA is necessary for activities in waters of the United States, which include wetlands and floodplains. This is also true for the state and waters of the state. Generally, this coordination results in permits from the Corps of Engineers, TVA, and/or the state.

The ORR implements protection of wetlands through the site NEPA program offices in accordance with 10 CFR 1022, ``Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements.'' Each of the sites has surveys for the presence of wetlands, and surveys are conducted on a project or program as-needed basis. Wetland surveys and delineations have been conducted on about 14,000 acres (5,668 ha) of the 34,500 acres (13,968 ha) that compose the reservation. About 800 acres (324 ha) of wetlands have been identified in the areas in which surveys have been conducted. Surveys for the remaining 20,500 acres (8,300 ha) are planned to be conducted only as needed.

TDEC develops a regulatory position on impacted wetlands that includes mitigation; any affected wetlands must be replaced in area and function by newly constructed wetlands.

The Y-12 Plant has conducted two surveys of its wetlands resources. Identification and Characterization of Wetlands in the Bear Creek Watershed (Energy Systems 1993a ) was completed in October 1993, and a wetland survey of selected areas in the Y-12 area of responsibility was completed in October 1994. The first report surveys the Y-12 Plant and surrounding areas; the second report surveys additional areas for which environmental restoration (ER) activities are planned.

The Y-12 Plant practices wetlands protection by requiring protective buffer zones and other best management practices whenever activities are proposed that may introduce a potential environmental impact. Wetlands protection, documentation, and reporting requirements are administered through the NEPA review and documentation process according to 10 CFR 1022.

In 1995 TDEC approved a wetlands mitigation plan for First Creek at ORNL in conjunction with a sediment-removal project on Melton Branch. The implementation date for the plan is March 1996. A wetlands survey of ORNL areas will be completed and published in 1996.

A partial wetlands survey for areas within the K-25 Site area of responsibility was conducted during the summer of 1994. Not all areas within the K-25 Site area of responsibility have been surveyed for wetlands, and it is likely that additional locations will be classified as wetlands. The wetlands that have been identified are protected by various best management practices. Floodplains Management

Executive Order 11988 (issued in 1977) was established to require federal agencies to avoid to the extent possible adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and to avoid direct or indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative. Agencies must determine whether a floodplain is present that may be affected by an action, assess the impacts on such, and consider alternatives to the action. The executive order requires that provisions for early public review and measures for minimizing harm be included in any plans for actions that might occur in the floodplain. Floodplain assessments and the associated notices of involvement and statement of findings are prepared in accordance with 10 CFR 1022, as part of the NEPA review and documentation process. Plant and Animal Species of Concern

Good stewardship as well as state and federal laws dictate that animal and plant species of concern be considered when a proposed project has the potential to alter their habitat or otherwise harm them. At the federal level, such species are classified as endangered, threatened, or species of concern; at the state level, species are considered endangered, threatened, or special concern (plants)/in-need-of-management (animals). All such species are termed threatened and endangered (T&E) species in this report

Threatened and Endangered Animals

Listed animal species known to be currently present on the reservation (excluding the Clinch River bordering the reservation) are given along with their status in Table 2.4. Other listed species may also be present, although they have not been observed recently. These include several species of mollusks (such as the spiny riversnail), amphibians (such as the hellbender), birds (such as Bachman's sparrow), and mammals (such as the smoky shrew). In particular, the reservation has not been sampled extensively for the several listed bat and amphibian species that may be present. The only federally listed animal species that have been recently observed (the gray bat, bald eagle, and peregrine falcon) are represented by one to several migratory or transient individuals rather than by permanent residents, although this situation may change as these species continue to recover. Similarly, several state-listed bird species, such as the anhinga, olive-sided flycatcher, sandhill crane, double-crested cormorant, and little blue heron are currently uncommon migrants or visitors to the reservation. Others, such as the cerulean warbler, northern harrier, great egret, and yellow-bellied sapsucker, are common migrants or winter residents that do not nest on the reservation.

Threatened and Endangered Plants

No federally listed plant species are currently known to occur on the ORR. Twenty-four plant species currently known to occur on the ORR are listed by the state of Tennessee, including the fen orchid, pink lady's slipper, and Canada lily (Table 2.5). Four species (spreading false foxglove, Appalachian bugbane, tall larkspur, and butternut) have been under review for listing at the federal level and were listed under the formerly used ``C2'' candidate designation. Current information is insufficient to determine whether these species may be appropriate for federal listing.

Whorled mountain mint is found on the ORR, but its taxonomy is uncertain. A species of Pycnathemum , it is believed to be either Pycnathemum verticillatum or Pycnathemum torrei . If the presence of either were confirmed, it would be listed by the state. Two additional species listed by the state, Lilium michiganense and Carex oxylepis (var. pubescens ), were identified in the past on the ORR; however, they have not been found in recent years. Several state-listed plant species currently found on adjacent lands may be present on the ORR as well, although they have not been located. Environmental Justice

On February 11, 1994, President Clinton promulgated Executive Order 12898, ``Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations.'' The executive order requires that federal actions not have the effect of excluding, denying, or discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, or income level. DOE and Energy Systems are continuing to work with EPA and other stakeholders to ensure that environmental justice issues are addressed when federal actions are taken on the ORR.

2.2.7 Safe Drinking Water Act

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 is an environmental statute for the protection of drinking-water sources. The act requires EPA to establish primary drinking water regulations for contaminants that may cause adverse public health effects. Although many of the requirements of the SDWA apply to public water supply systems, Section 1447 states that each federal agency having jurisdiction over a federally owned or maintained public water system must comply with all federal, state, and local requirements regarding the provision of safe drinking water. Because the systems that supply drinking water to the ORR are DOE-owned, the requirements of Section 1447 apply. A second provision of the SDWA requires individual states to establish programs to prevent contamination of underground sources of drinking water by underground injection of hazardous waste.

Potable water for the city of Oak Ridge, the Y-12 Plant, and ORNL is received from a DOE-owned water-treatment facility located northeast of the Y-12 Plant and currently managed by Johnson Controls World Services, Inc. Both ORNL and the Y-12 Plant are designated as non-transient, non-community water-distribution systems by the TDEC Division of Water Supply and are subject to the Tennessee Regulations for Public Water Systems and Drinking Water Quality, Chapter 1200-5-1. Under the TDEC regulations, distribution systems that do not perform water treatment can use the records sent to the state by the water treatment facility from which water is received to meet applicable compliance requirements. In 1995, the DOE water treatment plant met all of the Tennessee radiological and nonradiological standards.

ORNL's water system, which is sampled and analyzed annually, met the lead and copper action-level standards during the last 4 years.

The K-1515 Sanitary Water Plant provides drinking water for the K-25 Site and for an industrial park located on Bear Creek Road south of the site. The DOE-owned facility is classified as a non-transient, non-community water-supply system by TDEC and is subject to state regulations. The plant is in compliance with the drinking-water quality standards; monthly and quarterly testing for required constituents is carried out and reported to TDEC. Requirements of the lead and copper rule have been met, and the plant has been granted approval to reduce monitoring for these constituents to once per year.

A cross-contamination control program implemented at the Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and the K-25 Site prevents and eliminates cross-connects of sanitary water with process water and utilizes back-flow prevention devices and an engineering review and permitting process. As part of the program, an inventory of installed back-flow prevention devices is maintained, and inspection and maintenance of the devices are conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements.

2.2.8 Clean Water Act

The CWA was originally enacted as the Water Pollution Control Act in 1948, then later established as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act in 1972. Since that time the CWA has been subject to two major amendments. The objective of the CWA is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters. With continued amendments, the CWA has established a comprehensive federal and state program to protect the nation's waters from pollutants. A third round of amendments is being considered by Congress. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

One of the strategies developed to achieve the goals of the CWA was the establishment by the EPA of specific pollutant limits that are allowed to be discharged to waters of the United States by municipal sewage treatment plants and industrial facilities. In 1972, the EPA established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program to regulate compliance with these pollutant limitations. The program was designed to protect surface waters by limiting effluent discharges into streams, reservoirs, wetlands, and other surface waters.

The Y-12 Plant NPDES permit encompasses approximately 100 active point-source discharges requiring compliance monitoring that resulted in about 10,000 laboratory analyses in 1995, in addition to numerous field observations. The number of outfalls continues to decline as they are consolidated or eliminated. Although releases that exceed the NPDES permit levels and spills to the environment occur, considerable progress was made in 1995 to minimize such releases and their effect on receiving streams. Monitoring of discharges demonstrates that the Y-12 Plant has achieved an NPDES permit compliance rate of more than 99%; biological monitoring programs conducted on nearby surface streams provide evidence of the ecological recovery of the streams. At the Y-12 Plant there were 6 NPDES noncompliances in 1995, compared with 11 in 1994 (Fig. 2.1). Only two of the noncompliances during 1995 were because of events that exceeded the wastewater discharge limits.

The ORNL NPDES permit, issued in 1986, lists 161 point-source discharges that require compliance monitoring. Approximately 100 of these are storm drains, roof drains, and parking lot drains. Runoff from storm and parking lot drains has resulted in NPDES permit effluent limits for oil and grease and total suspended solids being exceeded. Progress continues toward minimizing or eliminating these noncompliances (Fig. 2.1). Compliance was determined by approximately 18,000 laboratory analyses and measurements in 1995 in addition to numerous field observations by ORNL field technicians. The NPDES permit limit compliance rate for all discharge points for 1995 was greater than 99%. About 80%  of ORNL's permit noncompliances for 1995 were for suspended solids in storm water runoff.

The K-25 Site NPDES permit includes five major outfalls and 137 storm drain outfalls. One storm drain outfall was removed from the permit during 1995, and five storm drain outfalls were added. From about 35,000 NPDES laboratory and field measurements completed in 1995, only 5 noncompliances occurred (compared with 16 in 1994), indicating a compliance rate of more than 99% (Fig. 2.1 ). Status of NPDES Permits

TDEC issued a new NPDES permit for the Y-12 Plant on April 28, 1995; it became effective on July 1. The previous Y-12 Plant NPDES permit (TN0002968) expired on May 23, 1990. The plant continued to operate through the first half of 1995 under the expired permit pending issuance of a new permit by TDEC, as provided in Tennessee Regulation 1200-4-1.05(5)(b). In May, the Y-12 Plant appealed two provisions of the permit: the biomonitoring limitations placed on East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) Outfall Point 201 and the mercury limitations at Monitoring Station 17. These limits are stayed while resolution of both issues is being sought by personnel from the Y-12 Plant and TDEC. The new permit addresses revisions that were in the renewal application, such as some previously unlisted miscellaneous outfalls. In addition, it requires that storm water characterizations be made at selected monitoring locations in accordance with the Y-12 Plant Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, which was submitted to TDEC during 1995. Other documents submitted to TDEC in accordance to the new NPDES permit include the revised Radiological Monitoring Plan, the Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program (BMAP) Plan, and a report on the analysis of fecal coliform bacteria levels at selected storm water monitoring points.

ORNL is currently operating under NPDES Permit 0002941, issued by TDEC and EPA Region 4 on April 1, 1986. The permit expired on March 31, 1991. An application for renewal was submitted to TDEC on September 28, 1990. ORNL submitted a separate, individual NPDES storm water application in October 1992. Negotiations toward a new permit were initiated in 1993 and were continued in 1994 and 1995. It is anticipated that a new permit will be issued in the fourth quarter of 1996.

The K-25 Site is operating under NPDES Permit TN0002950, issued with an effective date of October 1, 1992. A major permit modification became effective June 1, 1995. As required by the permit, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan was completed by October 1993. This plan (1) identifies areas having the potential to discharge pollutants to the receiving waters, (2) includes a pollutant control strategy to identify actions to minimize discharges of pollutants, and (3) outlines the development of annual sampling and analysis plans. Sampling as outlined in the FY 1995 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Sampling and Analysis Plan was initiated during the fourth quarter of 1994 and was completed in 1995. An evaluation of FY 1995 results was used to determine the scope of the FY 1996 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Sampling and Analysis Plan. Sanitary Wastewater

The CWA includes pretreatment regulations for publicly owned treatment works (POTW). Sanitary wastewater for the Y-12 Plant is discharged to the city of Oak Ridge under an industrial and commercial user permit. The city of Oak Ridge staff performed their annual sanitary sewer compliance inspection on March 14, 1995, and October 16, 1995. No deficiencies of the Y-12 Plant Sanitary Sewer Compliance Program were noted during the inspections.

During 1995 the Y-12 Plant experienced violations of the current discharge permit. Samples obtained at the compliance point for the Y-12 Plant exceeded permit limits for oil and grease, iron, cyanide, copper, mercury, and lead. All of these incidents occurred as a result of maintenance and construction activities involving the sanitary sewer system at the Y-12 Plant. The Y-12 Plant sanitary sewer system is more than 50 years old and has received only minor maintenance upkeep during this period; therefore, it needs major rehabilitation. A multimillion dollar sanitary sewer upgrade project has been initiated and is currently in the design stage. Construction activities are expected to begin in early FY 1997 and last through FY 1998.

The city of Oak Ridge has delayed issuance of a new discharge permit for the Y-12 Plant until the state of Tennessee issues an NPDES permit for the Oak Ridge Wastewater Treatment Plant. The current discharge permit for the Y-12 Plant has been extended through January 1997.

Sanitary sewer radiological sample results at the Y-12 Plant are routinely reviewed to ensure compliance with DOE Order 5400.5. As sample results are received they are compared with the derived concentration guides (DCGs) listed in the order. No radiological parameter that is monitored (including uranium) has exceeded a DCG. Typically, the results are three orders of magnitude below DCG limits.

At ORNL, sanitary wastewater is collected, treated, and discharged separately from other liquid wastewater streams through an on-site package sewage treatment plant. Wastewater discharged into this system is regulated by means of internally administered waste acceptance criteria based on the plant's NPDES operating permit parameters. Wastewater streams currently processed through the plant include sanitary sewage from facilities in Bethel and Melton valleys, area runoff of rainwater that infiltrates the system, and point sources such as biodegradable laboratory wastes and biodegradable scintillation fluids. The effluent stream from the sewage treatment plant is ultimately discharged into White Oak Creek (WOC) through an NPDES-permitted outfall (X-01). Infiltration into the system and the discharge from the on-site laundry has, at times, caused the sludge generated during the treatment process to become slightly radioactive. As a result, the sludge is treated as solid LLW and is disposed of in ORNL SWSAs. ORNL has received funding and is carrying out comprehensive upgrades of its sanitary sewage system. Upgrades include sealing the collection system to prevent infiltration of contaminated groundwater and surface water and redirecting contaminated discharges from the laundry to appropriate alternative treatment facilities.

K-25 Site domestic wastewater is treated at the K-1203 Sewage Treatment Plant and discharged pursuant to the NPDES permit. A sewer use ordinance and an influent surveillance program are in effect to ensure that effluent from the K-1203 sewage treatment plant continues to meet all NPDES permit limits. The sewer lines are currently being relined and repaired to reduce rainwater infiltration. The project is scheduled to be completed during 1996. Aquatic Resources Protection

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, TVA, and TDEC conduct permitting programs for projects and activities with the potential to affect aquatic resources, including navigable waters, surface waters (including tributaries), and wetlands. These are the Corps of Engineers Section 404 dredge-and-fill permits, TDEC Aquatic Resources Alteration Permits (ARAPs), and TVA 26a approvals. (See ``Environmental Permits'' section for ARAP permits.) Oil Pollution Prevention

Section 311 of the CWA regulates the discharges of oils or petroleum products to waters of the United States and requires the development and implementation of a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC ) to minimize the potential for oil discharges. Currently, each facility implements a site-specific SPCC plan. This section was then significantly amended by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, which has as its primary objective the improvement of responses to oil spills.

The Oil Pollution Act requires certain facilities to prepare and implement a facility response plan for responding to a worst-case discharge of oil. The K-25 Site is subject to the requirements for preparing such a plan because of its oil storage capacity and location. An updated plan was submitted to the EPA on February 17, 1995. The plan includes designation of response personnel, description of response equipment, identification of the worst-case discharge scenario and associated response actions, personnel training requirements, testing and inspection requirements, and other oil spill-prevention and response measures. No facility response plan was required for the Y-12 Plant or ORNL.

2.2.9 Clean Air Act

Authority for enforcement of the Clean Air Act (CAA) is shared between TDEC for nonradioactive emission sources and EPA for radioactive emission sources. EPA also enforces rules issued pursuant to the 1990 CAA Amendment, Title VI-Stratospheric Ozone Protection. General CAA Compliance

CAA compliance is an integral part of the TDEC air permit program, in which all three ORR facilities participate. Each site complies with all federal air regulations in addition to any air-permit conditions. Hoods at ORISE facilities are exempt from permitting requirements under the ORR laboratory equipment exemption and TDEC approval for exempt sources that handle negligible quantities of carcinogens and radiological materials.

The CAA program staff routinely participate in both inspections and internal audits to identify areas for improvement in the operation of air sources as required by regulation or permit condition. Major sources are appropriately permitted, and documentation of compliance is developed. A number of minor sources that are exempt from permitting requirements under state of Tennessee rules are documented for internal purposes as well. All major emission sources are permitted by TDEC and are operating in compliance with those permits. The programs for permitting, compliance inspection, and documentation of compliance are in place. Compliance with 1990 CAA Amendments

An increasing number of the new CAA amendment rules have application at all three ORR facilities. Regarding Title VI-Stratospheric Ozone Protection, compliance activities have included compliance with the final refrigerant-recycling rules that require the purchase and use of certified refrigerant recovery and recycling equipment. EPA granted a provision that allows removal of leaking refrigerant systems instead of retrofitting or replacing them, as had been required. The EPA provision came in response to comments from DOE-ORO concerning EPA rules. This additional provision to the refrigerant-leak repair rules will allow avoiding unnecessary repairs to equipment. Compliance requirements for refrigeration-system and motor vehicle air-conditioner maintenance are being met. Recommendations were made for refrigeration-system replacements or performing the necessary modifications to plant refrigeration equipment to accommodate the production ban on ozone-depleting chemicals.

Under Title III-Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), the major emphasis in 1995 has been on determining the applicability of final rules that have been promulgated by EPA to date. HAP emission inventories continue for the purposes of Title V permit applications.

Under Title V permits, each ORR facility has conducted source identification programs. This information will form the basis for Title V permit applications that will be submitted in 1996 and 1997. A comprehensive Title V Permit for each ORR facility will replace the individual source permits that are currently active at each facility. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Radionuclides

Compliance with the Rad-National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Rad-NESHAP) dose limit of 10 mrem/year to the maximum exposed individual of the public was demonstrated by modeling emissions from major and minor point sources during periods of operation. The annual off-site dose to the most-exposed member of the public for the ORR was 0.5 mrem in 1995, which is below the Rad-NESHAP compliance limit of 10 mrem.

Continuous emissions monitoring is performed at the K-25 TSCA Incinerator, at four major stacks and two minor stacks at ORNL, and at exhaust stacks serving uranium-processing areas at the Y-12 Plant. As of January 1, 1995, the Y-12 Plant had a total of 68 stacks, of which 63 were active and 5 were temporarily shut down. During 1995, five additional stacks were put into temporary shutdown. Thus, during the course of the year, 63 stacks were monitored, and there were 58 stacks being monitored at the end of 1995. Grab samples and other EPA-approved estimation techniques are used on remaining minor emission points, grouped area sources, and fugitive emissions. All three facilities met the emission and test procedures of 40 CFR 61, Subpart H. NESHAP for Asbestos

The ORR facilities have numerous buildings and equipment that contain asbestos materials. The compliance program for asbestos management includes demolition and renovation inspections, identification, monitoring, abatement, and disposal of asbestos materials. One asbestos release of a reportable quantity was identified at the K-25 Site in 1995. The release occurred when 4.95 lb of asbestos dropped from an inactive steam line to the ground. No reportable quantities were reported at the Y-12 Plant or ORNL. Other NESHAPs

The Y-12 Plant is subject to a NESHAP rule for machining beryllium. The Y-12 Plant currently monitors four stacks that serve beryllium machining and handling areas to demonstrate compliance with the 10 g/day emission limit. In 1995, measured stack emission rates at the Y-12 Plant were less than 0.005 g/day. The total emitted for 1995 was \math{<}1 g. The K-25 Site TSCA Incinerator is also subject to the NESHAP rule for incinerators that process beryllium. The current permitted emission limit for beryllium is \math{<}1 g/day, which is well below the NESHAP limit of 10 g/day. EPA is currently developing other NESHAP standards, pursuant to the CAA amendments of 1990. These standards will be evaluated as they are proposed and promulgated. State-Issued Air Permits

The Y-12 Plant has 56 active air permits covering 334 air emission points. There are 166 documented exempt minor sources and 284 exempt minor emission points.

At the close of 1995, 31 permitted air emission sources were in operation at ORNL. During the year, permit maintenance activities included exemption of one source, a new permit for one source, permit renewal for four sources, and construction permit applications submitted for three sources. In addition, an internal surveillance of all permitted sources was conducted and TDEC conducted compliance inspections.

There were 160 active air sources at the K-25 Site at the end of 1995. The total includes 29 sources covered by 10 TDEC air operating permits and 131 sources that are exempt from permitting requirements. Three proposed sources were covered under permits to construct.

2.2.10 Toxic Substances Control Act

TSCA regulates the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health or the environment. TSCA gives EPA comprehensive authority to identify and control chemical substances manufactured, processed, distributed in commerce, and used within the United States. EPA imposes strict information-gathering requirements of both new and existing chemical substances. The statute is also unique in that it imposes specific requirements related to individual chemical substances, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Compliance with the act is ensured through the activities of the TSCA Task Team and the PCB Task Team. The TSCA Task Team addresses all aspects of TSCA compliance except matters related to PCBs, which are addressed by the PCB Task Team. Both teams are composed of members of K-25 Site, Y-12 Plant, and ORNL. Polychlorinated Biphyenyls

TSCA specifically banned the manufacture, processing, and distribution in commerce of PCBs but authorized the continued use of some existing PCBs and PCB equipment. TSCA also imposed marking, storage, and disposal requirements for PCBs. 40 CFR 761 is the codified regulation mandated by TSCA and regulated by EPA. The state of Tennessee restricts PCBs from disposal in landfills and classifies PCBs as special wastes under the Tennessee solid waste regulations. A special waste exemption is required from the state of Tennessee to dispose of PCB s in landfills. Additionally, PCB discharges into waterways are restricted by the state-regulated CWA and NPDES programs. Authorized and Unauthorized Uses

In the 50-year history of ORR facilities, a variety of PCB systems and equipment have been in service. Many of the systems and equipment were industry standards, and their continued use was authorized under the 1979 PCB regulations. Systems that were authorized include transformers, capacitors, other electrical-distribution equipment, heat-transfer systems, and hydraulic systems. The vast majority of PCBs have been phased out at ORR. The small amount of PCBs remaining in service in PCB light ballasts are being replaced by non-PCB ballasts during the course of normal maintenance. A few transformers containing PCBs remain in service, but they are either being retrofitted by replacing PCB fluid with non-PCB dielectric fluid to reduce the PCB concentration to below regulated limits, or they are being removed from service altogether.

PCB regulations promulgated in 1979 (40 CFR 761) did not anticipate the use of PCBs in many of the applications for which they were employed. As a result, uses not specifically authorized present compliance issues under TSCA. Such uses include PCBs incorporated into gasket materials, metal-working lathes, and other oil- or grease-lubricated equipment, electrical wire and other insulation materials, corrosion-resistant coatings and paints, and plastics. Such unauthorized uses of PCBs are occasionally found in building materials, lubricants, and non-electrical systems during the course of ORR decommissioning and decontamination activities. The most notable of these unauthorized uses of PCBs are PCB-impregnated gaskets in the gaseous diffusion process motor ventilation systems at the K-25 Site. These gaskets are addressed under the Uranium Enrichment Polychlorinated Biphenyl Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (UE-PCB-FFCA ) between EPA and DOE. Other unauthorized uses are to be included in the Oak Ridge Reservation Polychlorinated Biphenyl Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (ORR-PCB-FFCA) currently being negotiated with EPA Region 4. Compliance Agreements

In addition to unauthorized uses, a variety of PCB compliance issues at the ORR are being addressed in the ORR-PCB-FFCA negotiations: PCB spills, storage and disposal, remediation of hydraulic and heat-transfer systems, decontamination of equipment, management of PCBs in the laboratory, and others. A final draft of the agreement was routed for concurrence within both DOE and EPA at both the headquarters level and within ORO and EPA Region 4. Generally, the draft agreement has been well received. The language of the final draft is undergoing some fine tuning based on comments from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters (EPA-HQ), U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters (DOE-HQ), and the EPA Region 4 Office of Regional Counsel. Once the final adjustments are made to the language of the agreement, it will be sent for signatures to the DOE-ORO manager and the EPA Region 4 Administrator.

The predecessor to the ORR-PCB-FFCA is the Uranium Enrichment Toxic Substances Control Act Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (UE-TSCA-FFCA), which was signed February 20, 1992. This agreement between DOE-HQ and EPA-HQ provides a vehicle for resolution of PCB issues at the Portsmouth, Ohio, and Paducah, Kentucky, uranium enrichment UE facilities and at the former K-25  UE facility in Oak Ridge. In July 1993 the Portsmouth and Paducah UE facilities were leased from DOE by the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC). USEC, created by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, is a wholly owned enterprise of the U.S. government, independent of DOE. The terms of the lease specify that responsibility for PCB regulatory compliance is retained by DOE for these two facilities.

EPA-HQ agreed to continue the UE-TSCA-FFCA with DOE for the Portsmouth and Paducah facilities but directed EPA Region 4 to enter into an agreement with DOE-ORO that would include the K-25 Site as well as the Y-12 Plant and ORNL. The UE-TSCA-FFCA continues in force for the K-25 Site until the ORR-PCB-FFCA is completed. Administration of the UE-TSCA-FFCA has been assigned to the EPA Federal Facilities Enforcement Office (FFEO), Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance at EPA-HQ. Periodic progress meetings are held between DOE and EPA FFEO. Several proposals to advance efforts under the UE -TSCA-FFCA have been proposed by DOE-HQ and accepted by EPA-HQ.

In a separate effort, DOE-HQ, the Department of the Navy and EPA-HQ are pursuing a national FFCA, which would cover solely the issue of storage of PCB wastes at DOE facilities for periods longer than 1 year. The agreement would cover all DOE facilities nationwide but would not address particular issues as does the UE-TSCA-FFCA, or as will the ORR-PCB-FFCA. ORR will be a party to this national agreement until the signing of the ORR-PCB-FFCA. The national agreement was signed by DOE-HQ and the navy, but the EPA General Counsel has requested minor changes before it recommends signing the agreement. It is anticipated that this agreement will be signed in the near future. Historic PCB Spills

Various locations within the facilities where PCB equipment was used have been identified as sites of historic PCB contamination. These sites resulted from PCB spills occurring throughout the history of the reservation, many of which occurred before regulation. K-25 Site historic PCB spill sites are addressed in the UE-PCB-FFCA and are to receive cleanup or remediation as required by the agreement. Spill sites at the Y-12 Plant and ORNL will be addressed in the UE-PCB-FFCA.

Progress is being made through ongoing cleanup efforts for remediation of these sites. Several historic spill sites and some historically contaminated equipment have been decontaminated at the ORR through use of innovative cleanup technologies. ORNL and the Y-12 Plant have undertaken R&D projects to develop alternative cleanup technologies. These projects are approved under TSCA by EPA Region 4. Storage and Disposal of Radioactive PCB Wastes

The PCB regulations require that PCB wastes be disposed of within 1 year of being removed from service. Because of a lack of available disposal methods for radioactive PCB wastes, these wastes are stored at the K-25 Site, Y-12 Plant, and ORNL for periods exceeding 1 year. The UE-PCB-FFCA allows the K-25 Site to store such wastes generated by the K-25 Site for periods exceeding 1 year. Radioactive PCB wastes older than 1 year generated by other DOE facilities, particularly the Y-12 Plant and ORNL, are also stored at the K-25 Site.

In February 1993, DOE submitted an updated list of PCB compliance issues to EPA Region 4 for consideration in developing the ORR-PCB-FFCA. Among these was a request to extend the current ORR-PCB-FFCA allowance to store radioactive PCB wastes for periods exceeding 1 year to all such wastes stored by the three ORR facilities. In addition to the lack of available disposal methods, concern over the potential for even small amounts of radioactive waste to be shipped off site for disposal has prompted DOE to mandate a self-imposed moratorium on the shipment of waste for off-site disposal pending development of procedures to ensure that no radioactive material is shipped. The K-25 Site TSCA Incinerator is the only facility in the nation permitted to incinerate RCRA/PCB/radioactive waste.

Various difficulties arise in meeting the storage requirements of the PCB regulations because of the unique character and large volume of PCB wastes generated on the ORR. One of the most significant difficulties is the necessity of storing some radioactive PCB wastes in specifically shaped containers because of criticality safety concerns and in areas not meeting PCB regulatory secondary containment requirements. Another storage concern is that large items, such as ventilation duct systems, cannot be placed into containers. Storage concerns of this nature are addressed under the UE -PCB-FFCA and the proposed ORR-PCB-FFCA. K-25 Site TSCA Incinerator PCB Disposal Approval

The K-25 Site TSCA Incinerator is currently operating under an extension of EPA Region 4 approval granted on March 20, 1989. This extension is based on submittal of a reapplication for PCB disposal approval filed with EPA Region 4 on December 20, 1991, which was within the time frame allowed for reapplication. Minor amendments, updates, and corrections to the reapplication identified by DOE have been made in the interim and have been submitted to EPA. EPA Region 4 has been making some minor progress toward renewal of the PCB incineration approval, but reapproval is not anticipated until late 1997 or 1998. The renewal application is being coordinated with the TDEC renewal of the hazardous waste incineration permit to better facilitate public participation. PCB Research and Development Permits

EPA Region 4 has granted ORNL authorization to conduct R&D projects on stabilization/solidification techniques, base-catalyzed/reductive-catalyzed procedures, and a microorganism-catalyzed procedure for the treatment of PCB-contaminated materials. Currently active research projects include the reductive-catalyzed work in the ORNL Environmental Sciences Division and the microorganism-catalyzed work in the ORNL Chemical Technology Division. Upon submittal of a formal R&D application and EPA Region 4 concurrence, additional work in the Environmental Sciences Division using a chemical dechlorination technique will start. These research projects as well as proposed projects may provide a route for DOE to meet the requirements of the ORR-PCB-FFCA between EPA and DOE.

2.2.11 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) governs the sale and use of pesticides and requires that all pesticide products be registered by EPA before they may be sold. The regulations for the application, storage, and disposal of pesticides are presented in 40 CFR 150-189.

The Y-12 Plant, the K-25 Site, and ORNL maintain procedures for the storage, application, and disposition of pesticides. Individuals responsible for the application of FIFRA materials are certified by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. If a pesticide can be used according to directions without unreasonable adverse effects on the environment or applicator (i.e., if no special training is required), it is classified for general use. A pesticide that can harm the environment or injure the applicator even when being used according to directions is classified for restricted use. No restricted-use pesticide products are used at the K-25 Site or at ORNL. Safrotinreg, used for the control of cockroaches, is the only restricted-use pesticide stored and used both at the Y-12 Plant and ORNL. To date, no purchases of this restricted-use material have been made since August 1993, and efforts for substitution are under way at the Y-12 Plant. An inventory of pesticide products is maintained for use at each facility. It is site policy to store, apply, and dispose of these products in a manner that ensures full compliance with FIFRA requirements.

2.2.12 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), also referred to as SARA Title III, requires reporting of emergency planning information, hazardous chemical inventories, and environmental releases to federal, state, and local authorities. The ongoing requirements of EPCRA are contained in Sections 302, 303, 304, 311, 312, and 313 (Table 2.6).

The ORR had 21 releases subject to Section 304 notification requirements during 1995. The Section 311 lists are updated frequently and are provided to the appropriate officials. The Section 312 inventories for 1995 identified 62 hazardous chemicals, documented their locations, and summarized the hazards associated with them. Of these Section 312 chemicals, 43 were located at the Y-12 Plant, 30 at ORNL, and 17 at the K-25 Site.

Under Section 313, five toxic chemicals were reported for 1995. Release data for 1994 and 1995 are summarized in Table 2.7. Compared with 1994 releases, there was a 40% reduction in total reportable toxic-chemical releases in 1995.

2.2.13 Environmental Occurrences

CERCLA requires notification of the National Response Center if a nonpermitted release of a reportable quantity (RQ) or more of a hazardous substance (including radionuclides) is released to the environment within a 24-hour period. The CWA requires that the National Response Center be notified if an oil spill causes a sheen on navigable waters, such as rivers, lakes, or streams. When notified, the National Response Center alerts federal, state, and local regulatory emergency organizations so they can determine whether government response is appropriate.

During 1995, Y-12 Plant staff reported 14 CERCLA RQ releases to federal and state agencies. All were ethylene glycol (antifreeze) releases within the Y-12 Plant, predominantly caused by government vehicles with either overfilled radiators or ruptured radiator hoses. On July 12, 1995, EPA raised the reportable threshold for ethylene glycol from 1 pound to 5,000 pounds. Because all of the antifreeze releases were considerably below the new threshold value, the reporting burden has been greatly reduced.

The National Response Center and the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) were also notified of two incidents that involved oil sheens observed on EFPC.

During 1995 ORNL reported one incident involving an oil sheen on Melton Hill Lake. NRC and TEMA were notified.

In 1995 two releases occurred at the K-25 Site that required notification of the National Response Center or TEMA. These included the discovery of asbestos-containing material on the ground and the presence of an oil sheen on Mitchell Branch.


In 1995 DOE implemented Standards/Requirements Identification Documents (S/RIDs), which include all federal, state, and local requirements applicable to the Y-12 Plant, K-25 Site, and ORNL. The S/RIDs include mandatory contractor requirements from the DOE orders of primary interest to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). The S/RIDs covering all environment-, safety-, and health-related activities were included in the DOE contracts for Energy Systems and LMER in October 1995 and January 1996, respectively. This change established the S/RIDs as the contractual set of environment, safety, and health (ES&H) requirements rather than DOE orders.

An effort is planned for 1996 by LMES to incorporate new ES&H orders and rules into the S/RIDs as they are issued. The S/RIDs will also be evaluated to determine the cost benefit of individual requirements. If the requirements do not result in added value in the protection of ES&H, or if they do not apply to current operations, they may be deleted from the S/RIDs system if approved by DOE. Thus, the S/RIDs system is designed to reflect changing regulatory and operational conditions.

In 1996 LMER and DOE will undergo the ``Necessary and Sufficient'' process for ES&H. Standards identified during this process will replace the S/RIDs for ORNL.

2.3.1 DOE Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program

DOE Order 5400.1 establishes environmental protection program requirements, authorities, and responsibilities for DOE operations to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, and local environmental protection laws and regulations, executive orders, and internal DOE policies. The order specifically defines the mandatory environmental protection standards (including those imposed by federal and state statutes), establishes reporting of environmental occurrences and periodic routine significant environmental protection information, and provides requirements and guidance for environmental monitoring programs. Implementation of the order is provided by specific program plans, as detailed in Chapter III of the order. The internal environmental protection programs mandate the creation of several environmental reports.

Reports include the 5-year plan required by Office of Management and Budget Circular A-106, the Annual Site Environmental Report, and reports of significant nonroutine releases of hazardous substances consistent with DOE Order 5000.3B, ``Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information.'' An Environmental Protection Program Implementation Plan (EPIP) is required and is updated annually. The document serves to define specific environmental objectives, including the means and schedules for accomplishment during the year. The EPIPs for the Y-12 Plant and the K-25 Site were reissued in November 1995. In agreement with the ORNL DOE contracting officer's representative, the ORNL EPIP will be revised, if required, to reflect new contractual obligations.

An environmental monitoring plan is to be prepared, reviewed annually, and updated every 3 years or as needed. The Environmental Monitoring Plan for the ORR was released by DOE in September 1992. The plan provides a single point of reference for the effluent monitoring and environmental surveillance programs of the Y-12 Plant, ORNL, the K-25 Site, and ORR areas outside specific facility boundaries. The annual review identified the need to update the plan. A revised document was issued as a controlled document in May 1995. The three ORR sites are in compliance with DOE Order 5400.1. Selected requirements demonstrating compliance follow. Pollution Prevention/Waste Minimization

The fundamental ORR Pollution Prevention function is to implement projects that result in the creation of less waste. This fundamental function is supported by three ancillary activities: (1) providing technical assistance (identifying and justifying opportunities for projects); (2) developing the overall program (awareness activities, planning, budgeting, reporting); and (3) administering the program (interfacing and communicating with site generator organizations, DOE, and outside organizations).

A central Pollution Prevention Information Management System has been created to integrate and synthesize information collected from tracking systems which have been developed at all three sites to track pollution prevention progress. Pollution prevention councils have been established at all three sites, with representation from each of the site organizations. The councils exchange information to promote pollution prevention activities. Responsibilities within the divisions at each site include the development of pollution prevention goals and implementation of programs and activities necessary to reduce both the amount and the toxicity of waste and environmental pollutants, communication of Energy Systems pollution prevention goals, documentation and communication of progress made toward implementation, and promotion of employee awareness.

During 1995, a great deal of effort was spent to identify pollution prevention opportunities and implement pollution prevention projects. Several source-reduction and recycling projects were completed. Projects include facility-specific activities as well as programmatic activities. Table 2.8 summarizes the results of selected recycling activities on the ORR during the past 5 years.

Three mechanisms have been developed and employed to fund pollution prevention implementation projects. Project proposals are submitted to the pollution prevention program. The proposals are evaluated and submitted to one of three funding avenues: (1) DOE hazard quotient (HQ)-funded high return on investment (ROI), (2) the reservation-funded High Investment Value (HiVal) System, or (3) the site-funded generator set-aside program. The generator set-aside fund is the newest funding mechanism; it taxes generated waste. The tax is accumulated for funding implementation projects. Groundwater

The hydrogeologic system at the Y-12 Plant has been divided into three hydrogeologic regimes based on topography and surface water and groundwater flow patterns. An exit-pathway well network, as required by DOE Order 5400.1, has been completed to monitor flow from each hydrogeologic regime at Y-12 Plant. Water quality data from the exit-pathway wells at the east end of the Y-12 Plant indicate the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) carbon tetrachloride and tetrachlorethane, common industrial solvents previously used in large quantities at the Y-12 Plant, are being transported off the ORR through the Maynardville Limestone at depths of 100 to 300 ft. Property owners in the area have been notified and have been provided with a status report. Investigations during 1994 confirmed that no drinking water wells are in the affected area. A remedial investigation of the off-site plume is being conducted under CERCLA.

Additional well installation and groundwater monitoring activities continued through 1994 in support of the Y-12 Plant UST Program and of the construction and permitting of new industrial landfills to serve the reservation.

Exit-pathway monitoring was initiated at ORNL in 1993. The program monitors groundwater and streams at four general locations that are thought to be likely exit pathways for ORNL groundwater. The ORNL WAG perimeter monitoring network includes perimeter wells at ten WAGs.

Exit-pathway monitoring at the K-25 Site is conducted at locations where groundwater flowing from relatively large areas converges before discharging to surface water locations. The exit-pathway monitoring of groundwater quality in both the unconsolidated zone and the bedrock is supported by surface water monitoring at three convergence points. During 1995 groundwater samples from the eight-well perimeter groundwater surveillance network were collected under wet-season (February to April) and dry-season (September to October) conditions. Micropurging and low-flow sampling procedures were used.

An off-site residential drinking water quality monitoring program has been conducted since 1989. The objective of the program is to document water quality from groundwater sources near the ORR and to monitor the potential impact of DOE-ORO operations on the quality of these groundwater sources. Currently, sixteen wells and three springs are included in the program; these sites were selected on the basis of their proximity to the ORR and a representative distribution of sources from the different geologic formations of the area. The wells are sampled semiannually, and results are provided in individual reports to the well owners. In past years, no contaminant movement to these off-site locations has been indicated, and the results from sampling in 1995 continue to support this.

The 1995 annual TDEC RCRA groundwater compliance evaluation inspections were conducted in January and December at the Y-12 Plant and in October at ORNL. No findings or recommendations were issued as a result of the inspections.

2.3.2 DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment

DOE Order 5400.5 provides guidance and establishes radiation protection standards and central practices designed to protect the public and the environment against undue risk from DOE operations. This order requires that no member of the public receive an effective dose equivalent (EDE) in a year greater than 100  mrem via all pathways and that no member of the public receive a radiation dose equivalent greater than 10 mrem in a year from airborne emissions. In addition, dose limits imposed by other federal regulations (40 CFR Parts 61, 191, and 192 and 10 CFR Parts 60 and 72) must be met. The primary dose limit is expressed as an EDE, which requires the weighted summation of doses to specified organs of the body. Monitoring of effluents released to the environment is required to ensure that radiation doses to the public are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and are consistent with prescribed dose standards.

2.3.3 DOE Order 5820.2A, Radioactive Waste Management

DOE Order 5820.2A establishes the policies and minimum requirements for managing ORR radioactive wastes and the radioactive component of mixed wastes. The order requires that each DOE site prepare a waste management plan for radioactive waste generation, TSD operations. In previous years each site had prepared its own waste management plan. These plans have now been consolidated into one document, The Oak Ridge Reservation Waste Management Plan (Energy Systems 1995b ).

ORNL manages TRU waste and LLW. Radioactive waste management activities at both the K-25 Site and Y-12 Plant are primarily related to LLW. Although material contaminated with TRU elements exists on the K-25 Site, the concentrations are less than the limits for TRU waste.


Numerous appraisals, surveillances, and audits of the ORR environmental activities occurred during 1995 (see Tables 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11). These tables do not include internal Energy Systems and Lockheed Martin corporate assessments.

2.4.1 Tiger Team Environmental Assessment

Table 2.12 provides a summary of the status of corrective actions from the Tiger Team assessments.

2.4.2 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

In September 1994, during a DNFSB tour of a storage building in 9204-2E, a discrepancy with specific stipulations of the criticality safety approval for storage of fissile material in that area was identified. As a result, a number of operations at the Y-12 Plant were curtailed. However, environmental management operations (compliance monitoring, reporting, and oversight) have continued operations, and there have been no environmental impacts as a result of the stand-down. Work continues at the Y-12 Plant to respond to recommendations from the board concerning formality of operations.


Table 2.13 contains a summary of environmental permits for the three ORR sites.


One new notice of violation (NOV) was received by the Y-12 Plant on November 14, 1995. The NOV was from the city of Oak Ridge for releases that exceed permit levels into the sanitary sewer.

DOE received two notices of noncompliance (NONs) from TDEC in 1995 for violations of its NPDES Permit at ORNL. One NON was received March 29 for iron and total-suspended-solids excursions. A second was received July 31 for fecal coliform and total-suspended-solids excursions. On December 13, 1995, ORNL received an NOV from the Division of Water Pollution Control for a wetland alteration that occurred adjacent to Mitchell Branch during the Pine Beetle Reforestation Project.

The K-25 Site received one NOV for two noncompliances at the K-1203 sewage treatment facility. The noncompliances occurred by exceeding effluent limitations for biochemical oxygen demand and total residual chlorine. On February 16 the total residual chlorine value for the sewage treatment plant was reported at 0.53 mg/L, which exceeded the daily maximum permit limit of 0.24 mg/L. A review of operators' logs and procedures revealed that operations were conducted in accordance with the procedures. Additionally, the sewage treatment plant is equipped with an in-line continuous chlorine monitor. The maximum total residual chlorine concentration recorded on that day was 0.12 mg/L, which is well within permit limits. On February 22 the biological oxygen demand (BOD) result of 31.9 mg/L exceeded the daily maximum permit limit of 20 mg/L. Site activities were examined, as were the raw materials and resultant wastes that could possibly have influenced the BOD. No activities out of the routine were being conducted before the event.


2.7.1 Actions Filed by Friends of the Earth, Inc.

On January 17, 1992, Friends of the Earth, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, filed a lawsuit against Admiral James D. Watkins (then Secretary of Energy) and DOE in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, Northern Division. The suit alleges that DOE is violating the terms and conditions of its NPDES permits for the Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and the K-25 Site. Specifically, the complaint alleges that discharges of certain quantities of various pollutants into tributaries of the Clinch River that have their sources at the Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and the K-25 Site have exceeded (and are exceeding) the allowable discharge limits established by the NPDES permits. The suit seeks to force DOE to comply in all respects with its NPDES permits, declaratory judgments, and the award of various other costs.

Friends of the Earth made a request for production of documents, which were provided by DOE. The complaint was amended to add another environmental group and several individuals as plaintiffs to the lawsuit. Friends of the Earth took depositions in August 1993, and toured the facility with their expert witness in October 1993.

In October 1992, Friends of the Earth filed a motion for summary judgment with the court. In January 1993 DOE and the U.S. Department of Justice filed a cross-motion for denial of summary judgment. A hearing was held in Federal District Court in Knoxville, Tennessee, in May 1993. At that time, the court ordered the parties to prepare charts or tables summarizing the parties' positions regarding the number and extent of the alleged violations of the NPDES permits and the corrective actions taken, planned, or requested. The parties have complied with this order. Oral arguments on the issues were held in March 1995, in Knoxville. At the time of this writing, a decision has not been issued by the court.

2.7.2 Hazardous/Toxic Waste Off-Site Shipment Moratorium

In May 1991, a moratorium on the off-site shipment (to non-DOE sites) of PCB and RCRA hazardous waste was implemented throughout the DOE complex, including the DOE sites located on the ORR. The purpose of the moratorium is twofold: (1) to ensure that hazardous/toxic wastes shipped from DOE facilities to commercial treatment, storage, or disposal facilities do not have bulk (volume) radioactive contamination as a result of DOE operations and (2) to ensure that the wastes do not have surface contamination exceeding DOE Order 5400.5 criteria unless the receiving facility is specifically licensed to manage radioactive waste. The moratorium for a given site will remain in effect until the site receives approval from DOE to resume off-site shipments using site-specific procedures that have been reviewed and approved by DOE.

In October 1993, the K-25 Site received a partial lifting of the moratorium for wastes composed of solid materials that do not have the potential for bulk contamination. The K-25 Site moratorium continues to remain in effect for hazardous/toxic wastes that are not solid materials (because of the potential for bulk contamination) until such time as DOE develops generic criteria for bulk contamination release. Off-site shipments of solid, hazardous/toxic wastes resumed at the K-25 Site following DOE's issuance of the partial lifting.

The moratorium at the Y-12 Plant was fully lifted by DOE in January 1994. The Y-12 Plant resumed off-site shipment activities for hazardous/toxic wastes following the lifting of the site moratorium.

In November 1994, ORNL received a partial lifting of the moratorium for wastes composed of solid materials that do not have the potential for bulk contamination. The ORNL moratorium continues to remain in effect for hazardous/toxic wastes that are not solid materials (because of the potential for bulk contamination) until such time as DOE develops generic criteria for bulk contamination release. ORNL resumed activities for the off-site shipment of solid, hazardous/toxic wastes following DOE's issuance of the partial lifting.

2.7.3 Tennessee Oversight Agreement

On May 13, 1991, the state of Tennessee and DOE entered into a 5-year monitoring and oversight agreement in which DOE agreed to provide the state financial and technical support for an ``independent monitoring and oversight'' of DOE activities on the ORR. Activities that are conducted under the agreement include oversight of DOE's environmental monitoring, waste management, ER, and emergency management programs. The agreement is intended to assure Tennessee citizens that their health, safety, and environment are being protected by DOE's ongoing programs and new commitments specified in the agreement. The agreement may be extended beyond 5 years or amended as necessary to address federal, state, or local community issues that may arise.

TDEC is the lead Tennessee state agency for implementation of the agreement. TDEC has established the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation/DOE Oversight Division (TDEC/DOE-OD), located in the city of Oak Ridge. TDEC has entered into contracts with various state and local agencies to support oversight activities. Contracts have been signed with Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) for fish and wildlife monitoring activities, with TEMA for emergency management support, and with the Local Oversight Committee for assistance in achieving a better public understanding of the issues and activities on the ORR.

A DOE-Tennessee Oversight Agreement (TOA) steering committee composed of site and major program representatives has been established to coordinate implementation of the TOA and to promote consistency in its implementation across the ORR. Energy Systems, LMER, and other selected DOE prime contractors have established internal organizations, including the designation of TOA coordinators to facilitate implementation of the agreement.

To date, a variety of activities have been conducted under the agreement. DOE has provided security clearances and training necessary for state employees to gain access to the sites. Environmental data and documents pertaining to the environmental management, ER, and emergency management programs are being provided or made available to the state for their review. TDEC/DOE-OD routinely visits the three DOE sites to attend formal meetings and briefings, to conduct walk throughs of buildings and grounds, or to conduct observations of site operations to assess compliance with environmental regulations. During CY 1995, TDEC/DOE-OD continued its Facility Survey Program by conducting 34 walk-through assessments of buildings on the ORR. The goal of this program is to provide an independent evaluation of the conditions of facilities on the ORR which can be used to support risk assessment.

TDEC/DOE-OD has also initiated an environmental monitoring and sampling program. In December 1994, TDEC/DOE-OD made its CY 1995 Environmental Monitoring Plan available to DOE. The plan addressed the state's intentions in the areas of sampling, site audits and inspections, review of sampling and analysis of data generated by DOE, review of plans, and oversight. Through these activities, the state intends to characterize and monitor chemical and radiological emissions in the air, water, and soil both on and off the ORR. Of particular note of CY 1995 activities, in the second quarter TDEC/DOE-OD initiated an environmental thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) program. TLDs were placed at various locations at each site on the ORR and are replaced on a quarterly basis. On April 1, 1996, TDEC/DOE-OD published an environmental monitoring report of its CY-1995 activities.

In May 1995, the state and DOE began discussion on a 5-year renewal of the current agreement. It is expected that the new agreement will be signed in CY 1996.

Contents Chapter 3