S. Baloga, E. T. Collins, S. G. Cortelyou, L. V. Hamilton, K. G. Hanzelka, J. M. Loar, D. M. Maguire, H. B. McElhoe, M. J. Peterson, R. A. Rich, E. M. Schilling, I. D. Shelton, R. S. Sherles, L. R. Shugart, G. R. Southworth, M. M. Stevens, and P. T. Stevens
Effluent monitoring is a major activity on the ORR. Effluent monitoring is the collection and analysis of samples or measurements of liquid and gaseous effluents to determine and quantify contaminants and process-stream characteristics, assess any chemical or radiological exposures to members of the public, and demonstrate compliance with applicable standards.
Airborne discharges from DOE Oak Ridge facilities, both radioactive and nonradioactive, are subject to regulations issued by EPA, the TDEC Air Pollution Control Board, and DOE orders. Radioactive emissions are regulated by EPA Region IV under the CAA, NESHAP, 40 CFR 61, Subpart H. (See Appendix A for a list of radionuclides and their radioactive half-lives.) Nonradioactive emissions are regulated under the rules of the TDEC Division of Air Pollution Control.
The NESHAP regulations limit the amount of annual radioactive exposure or dose to the nearest or most affected member of the public. In December 1989, the NESHAP regulations were reissued. Negotiations between EPA and DOE were initiated to bring the ORR into full compliance with the new regulations. As a result of those negotiations, an FFCA was signed in May 1992 by the DOE-ORO manager and was implemented at the ORR facilities. The ORR fulfilled all of its FFCA commitments and came into compliance with the regulations by December 1992. On March 26, 1993, EPA Region IV certified that DOE-ORO had completed all actions required by the FFCA and is considered to be in compliance with the radionuclide NESHAP regulations. An updated Rad-NESHAP Compliance Plan was sent to EPA Region 4 in May 1994.
DOE requirements for airborne emissions are established in DOE Order 5400.1, DOE Order 5400.5, 40 CFR 61 Subpart H, and the Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance (DOE 1991 ). The criteria in NESHAP regulations and DOE orders define major effluent sources as emission points that have the potential to discharge radionuclides in quantities that could cause an EDE of 0.1 mrem/year or greater to a member of the public. Potential emissions are calculated for a source by assuming the loss of pollution control equipment while the source is otherwise operating normally.
Each ORR facility has a comprehensive air pollution control and monitoring program to ensure that airborne discharges meet regulatory requirements and do not adversely affect ambient air quality. Air pollution controls at the three Oak Ridge facilities include exhaust gas scrubbers, baghouses, and exhaust filtration systems designed to remove airborne pollution from exhaust gases before their release to the atmosphere. Process modifications and material substitutions are also made to minimize air emissions. In addition, administrative control plays a role in regulating emissions. Each installation has developed an emissions inventory program that includes stack sampling as necessary to determine the amounts of pollutants that are not removed by the air pollution control equipment.
4.1.1 Y-12 Plant Radiological Airborne Effluent Monitoring
The release of radiological contaminants, primarily uranium, into the
atmosphere at the Y-12 Plant occurs almost exclusively as a result
of plant production, maintenance, and waste management activities.
NESHAP regulations for radionuclides require continuous emission
sampling of major sources; (a ``major source'' is considered to be any
emission point that potentially can contribute
\math{>}0.1 mrem/year EDE to an off-site individual). During 1995,
55 of the Y-12 Plant's 68 stacks were judged to be major
sources. Five of these sources were not operational in 1995 because of
work in progress on process and stack modifications. Twenty-one of the
stacks having the greatest potential to emit significant amounts of
uranium are equipped with alarmed breakthrough detectors, which alert
operations personnel to process-upset conditions or to a decline in
filtration-system efficiencies, allowing them to investigate and correct
the problem before a significant release occurs.
As of January 1, 1995, the Y-12 Plant had a total of 68 stacks, 63 of which were active and 5 were temporarily shut down. During 1995 five additional stacks were placed into temporary shutdown. Thus, during the course of the year 63 stacks were monitored, and there were 58 stacks being monitored at the end of 1995.
Radionuclides other than uranium are handled in millicurie quantities as part of ORNL and Y-12 Plant laboratory activities at facilities within the boundary of the Y-12 Plant. The releases from these activities are minimal, however, and have negligible impact on the total Y-12 Plant dose. Emissions from unmonitored process and laboratory exhausts, categorized as minor emission sources, are estimated according to EPA -approved calculation methods. Emissions from room ventilation systems are estimated from health physics data collected on airborne radioactivity concentrations in the work areas. Areas where the monthly average concentration exceeded 10% of the DOE derived air concentration (DAC) worker protection guidelines were included in the annual emission estimate. Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure
Uranium stack losses were measured continuously on 63 process
exhaust stacks in 1995. Particulate matter (including uranium) was
filtered from the stack sample; filters at each location were changed
routinely, from one to five times per week, and analyzed for total
uranium. In addition, the sampling probes and tubing were removed
quarterly and washed with nitric acid; the washing was analyzed for
total uranium. At the end of the year, the probe-wash data were included
in the final calculations in determining total emissions from each
In 1995, 62 emission points were identified from unmonitored radiological processes and laboratories. In addition, one ventilation area from a building that houses depleted uranium operations was identified from health physics data, where one or more average monthly concentration exceeded 10% of the DAC. For the area, the annual average concentration is used, with design ventilation rates, to arrive at the annual emission estimate. No areas from buildings that house enriched uranium operations met these criteria. Results
An estimated 0.02 Ci (6.5 kg) of uranium was released into the
atmosphere in 1995 as a result of Y-12 Plant activities
(Table 4.1).
The specific activity of enriched uranium is much greater than that of
depleted uranium, and about 86% of the curie release was composed
of emissions of enriched uranium particulate, even though only
4% of the total mass of uranium released was enriched material
(Figs. 4.1 and 4.2).
4.1.2 ORNL Radiological Airborne Effluent Monitoring
Airborne discharges at ORNL consist primarily of ventilation air from
radioactively contaminated or potentially contaminated areas, vents from
tanks and processes, and ventilation for reactor facilities. Typically,
radioactively contaminated and potentially contaminated airborne
emissions are treated, then filtered with high-efficiency particulate
air (HEPA) and/or charcoal
filters before discharge to ensure that any radioactivity released is as
little as possible.
Airborne discharges are unique because of the wide variety of research activities performed at ORNL. Radiological gaseous emissions from ORNL typically consist of solid particulates, adsorbable gases (e.g., iodine), tritium, and nonadsorbable gases. The major radiological emission point sources for ORNL consist of the following four stacks located in Bethel and Melton valleys (Fig. 4.3):
Each stack and vent was assessed for its potential to discharge regulated air pollutant emissions. Those with no potential for regulated air pollutant emissions, such as steam vents, do not require any further documentation. The first phase of the stack and vent survey focused primarily on radioactive emission sources. These sources are updated annually. In 1995, there were 18 minor point/group sources, and emission calculations/estimates were made for each of these sources. Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure
Each of the four major point sources is equipped with a variety of
surveillance instrumentation, including radiation alarms, near-real-time
monitors, and continuous sample collectors. Only data resulting from
analysis of the continuous samples are used in this report because the
other equipment does not provide data of sufficient accuracy and
precision to support the quantitation of emission source terms.
All ORNL in-stack source sampling systems comply with American National Standards Institute N 13.1 (1969, R-1982) criteria. The sampling systems generally consist of a multipoint in-stack sampling probe, sample transport line, a particulate filter, activated charcoal cartridges, a silica-gel cartridge (if required), flow measurement and totalizing instruments, a sampling pump, and a return line to the stack. In addition to that instrumentation, the system at Stack 7911 includes a high-purity germanium detector with a NOMAD analyzer, which allows continuous isotopic identification and quantification of radioactive noble gases present in the effluent stream. To ensure that all radioactive particulates are accounted for, end-of-the-year samples are collected and analyzed by cleaning the in-stack sampling probes. This program requires annual removal, inspection, and cleaning of sample probes.
Velocity profiles are performed following the criteria in EPA Method 2. This profiling ensures that the continuous samplers are sampling at acceptable isokinetic conditions and are obtaining accurate stack flow data for subsequent emission-rate calculations. An annual leak-check program is carried out to verify the integrity of the sample transport system, including the sample components.
In addition to the major sources, ORNL has a number of minor sources that have the potential to emit radionuclides to the atmosphere. Minor sources are composed of any ventilation systems or components such as vents, lab hoods, room exhausts, and stacks that do not meet the criteria for a major source but are located in or vent from a radiological control area. A variety of methods were used to determine the emissions from the various minor sources. All methods used for minor source emission calculations complied with criteria agreed upon by EPA and/or included in the NESHAP Compliance Plan for the ORR. These minor sources are evaluated on a 1- to 3-year basis, depending on the source type. All emissions, both major and minor, are compiled annually to determine the overall ORNL source term and associated dose. Results
The 1995 radioactive airborne emissions data for ORNL included more
than 45 isotopes. The charcoal cartridges, particulate filters, and
silica gel traps were collected weekly. The use of charcoal cartridges
is a standard method for capturing and quantifying radioactive iodines
in airborne emissions. Gamma spectrometric analysis of the charcoal
samples quantifies the adsorbable gases. Analysis was performed weekly.
Particulate filters were held for 8 days prior to a weekly gross
alpha and gross beta analysis to minimize the contribution from
short-lived isotopes such as 220Rn and its daughter products.
At Stack 7911, a weekly gamma scan was conducted to better detect
short-lived gamma isotopes. The weekly filters were then composited
quarterly and analyzed for alpha-, beta-, and gamma-emitting isotopes.
Compositing provides a better opportunity for quantification of these
low-concentration isotopes. At the end of the year, each sample probe
was rinsed, and the rinsate was collected and submitted to the
laboratory for isotopic analysis identical to that of the particulate
filter. The data from the charcoal cartridges, silica gel, probe wash,
and the quarterly filter composites were compiled to give the annual
emissions for each major source and some minor sources.
Annual radioactive airborne emissions for major sources are presented in Table 4.2. All data presented were determined to be significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level. Any number not statistically different from zero was not included in the emission calculation. Historical trends for 3H and 131I are presented in Figs. 4.4 and 4.5, respectively.
The tritium emissions for 1995 are approximately 200 curies. The primary contributor was off-gas from the Tritium Facility, even though it has been inoperative since 1989. Emissions from the central off-gas system, Stack 3039, were highest in 1991 (16,000 Ci); emissions have decreased sharply since then (Fig. 4.4). The 131I emission for 1995 are 0.16 curies, which is higher than the past years (Fig. 4.5). The emissions are attributable to operations that exhaust through Stack 7911.
4.1.3 K-25 Site Radiological Airborne Effluent Monitoring
Locations of airborne radioactivity point sources at the K-25 Site
are shown in Fig. 4.6. These locations include both individual point sources and grouped
point sources such as laboratory hoods. Radioactive emissions data were
determined from either EPA-approved sampling results or EPA-approved
calculation methods. Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure
Routine emission estimates from the
TSCA Incinerator were
generated from the continuous stack sampling system. The TSCA
Incinerator is the only major radionuclide emission source at the
K-25 Site and is therefore the only stack that is continuously
monitored. Estimates of TSCA Incinerator emissions were based on monthly
composites of weekly stack samples.
Various techniques were used to generate all other radiological point source emissions. Representative grab sample techniques were used to generate emission estimates for the K-1015 Laundry. Material balance calculations were used to generate emission estimates for the K-1004-A through D laboratories. The remaining active sources were calculated using surrogate sample techniques as described in the EPA-approved NESHAP compliance plan, or from emission factors specified in 40 CFR 61, Appendix D. Both techniques are conservative methods of estimating emissions based on the physical form of the radionuclides and the maximum operating temperature of the process.
Three new minor point sources were approved for operation in 1995: (1) a container-processing facility located in K-1423 to wash potentially contaminated empty drums and to operate in conjunction with a drum crusher, (2) a HEPA vacuum-cleaning facility located in K-1310-DC for servicing vacuums containing potentially contaminated debris, and (3) the K-1037 metal-cutting activities in a HEPA-filtered room to cut up a radiologically contaminated transport cart and associated equipment. K-1423 and K-1310-DC did not initiate operations in 1995.
The following minor sources were inactive during 1995: the K-304-5 Deposit Removal Project activities to mechanically remove radiological materials from the interior of cascade components and the K-1420 valve shop. The Pond Waste Management Project (PWMP) drum crusher and dry material repackaging project, and the K-31/33 cascade equipment removal project minor sources completed work in 1994 and discontinued operations. Results
K-25 Site 1995 radionuclide emissions from the TSCA Incinerator
and minor emission sources are shown in Table 4.3.
Additionally, Figs. 4.7 and 4.8 show a comparison of the total 1995 discharges of uranium with those of
previous years. The total kilograms emitted has increased due to the
incineration of a larger quantity of low-level waste at the TSCA
Incinerator. As shown in Fig. 4.7, the annual total of curies emitted is similar to the total in 1994
because of the lower specific activity of the uranium isotopes
4.1.4 Y-12 Plant Nonradiological Airborne Emissions Monitoring
The release of nonradiological contaminants into the atmosphere at the
Y-12 Plant occurs as a result of plant production, maintenance, and
waste management operations and of steam generation. Most process
operations are served by ventilation systems that remove air
contaminants from the workplace. TDEC has issued 55 air permits
that cover 335 of these emission sources. The allowable level of
air pollutant emissions from permitted and exempt emission sources in
1995 was approximately 27,345 tons per year of regulated
pollutants. The actual emissions are much lower than the allowable
amount; however, major sources are required to pay their annual emission
fee based on allowable emissions until the issuance of the major source
operating permit. Therefore, the annual emission fee is based on the sum
of allowable air emissions of all regulated pollutants at the
Y-12 Plant as defined in Chapter 1200-3-26 of the TDEC
The Y-12 Plant annual emission fee was calculated by TDEC personnel based on 9,499 tons per year of allowable emission of regulated pollutants, with an annual emission fee of $61,982.45, as defined in TDEC regulations, Chapter 1200-3-26-.02(9)(i). In calculating the annual emission fee, Schedule III of Chapter 26 was used, where the adjusted emissions equal the total emissions minus carbon monoxide and exempt emissions, and a 4,000-ton cap for SO2 and NOx. The emission fee rate is based on $18.55 per ton of regulated pollutant allowable emissions. In addition, the Y-12 Plant received a prorated credit for annual emission fees paid during the FYs 1993/1994 and 1994/1995 in the amount of $114,224 pursuant to Rule 1200-3-26-.02(9)(i). When the major source operating permit is issued, the emission fee rate will increase to $32.20 per ton of regulated pollutant.
The level of pollutant emissions is expected to decline in the future because of the changing mission of the Y-12 Plant and downsizing of production areas. More than 90% of the pollutants are attributed to the operation of the Y-12 Steam Plant; however, as a best management practice, Y-12 Plant personnel also monitor emissions from four areas that process beryllium.
In anticipation of permitting requirements and implementation of maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards under Title V of the CAA amendments, an effort is under way to improve the stack and vent survey, criteria pollutant emission inventory, and hazardous air pollutant emission inventory. A draft of the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Title V permit application is expected to be prepared in 1996.
Planning for compliance with anticipated and newly issued requirements under Title VI of the CAA amendments is a major effort. In accordance with the Y-12 Plant CAA implementation plan, a stratospheric ozone protection plan has been issued to outline actions necessary to comply with the new limitations on the release of ozone-depleting chemicals and with the 1995 production ban on these chemicals. The Y-12 Plant Environmental Management Department personnel and refrigeration maintenance personnel successfully implemented work practices required to minimize releases of ozone-depleting refrigerants to the atmosphere. Requirements for refrigeration-system and motor-vehicle air-conditioner maintenance compliance are being met. To accommodate the production ban on ozone-depleting chemicals, studies are proceeding to find suitable replacements, and plant refrigeration equipment is being modified as needed. The Retrofit Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and Chillers for Ozone Protection project, currently in conceptual design, will eliminate the use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants in chillers, direct expansion air conditioners, and process coolers, either by replacement with new equipment that operates on ``ozone-friendly'' refrigerants or by retrofit of existing equipment with new components to operate on ``ozone-friendly'' refrigerants. Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure
The two Y-12 Steam Plant exhaust stacks are each equipped with Lear
Siegler RM41 opacity monitoring systems. Under the current operating
permit, the opacity monitoring systems are required to be fully
operational for at least 95% of the operational time of the
monitored units during each month of a calendar quarter.
Currently, four exhaust stacks that serve beryllium processing areas are sampled continuously by extracting a portion of the stack gas and filtering out particulate matter. The samples are then analyzed for beryllium, and emission rates are calculated. Results
The east and west Y-12 Steam Plant stack opacity monitors were each
operational more than 99% of the time in 1995. Both systems were
taken out of service for annual calibration/recertification and for a
plant-wide power outage. The calibration/recertification was performed
by a subcontractor in April. A single 6-min period of excess emissions
from the east stack occurred on January 20, 1995. This excess
emission resulted from a malfunction of a defective microswitch on
Number 3 Baghouse that caused the bypass to open. There were four
6-min periods of excess emissions, which occurred on July 13 and
August 7 and 12, 1995. Two 6-min periods of excess emissions that
occurred on July 13 from the east stack resulted from start-up of
fans on Boiler 3 after overhaul. Two 6-min periods of excess
emissions that occurred on August 7 and 12 from the west stack
resulted from taking Boilers 1 and 2 out of service and putting the
baghouse into cleaning cycle. In addition, there were two 6-min periods
of excess emissions, which occurred on November 5 and 21,
1995. One 6-min period of excess emissions occurred on November 5
from the east stack when a pipe from the feeder to the pulverizer was
occluded with coal, thus extinguishing the fire in the boiler. One 6-min
period of excess emissions occurred on November 21 from the west
stack as a result of a plantwide power outage. Quarterly excess opacity
reports of the operational status of the Y-12 Steam Plant are submitted
to personnel at TDEC within 30 days after the end of each calendar
quarter to comply with Condition 10 of the current air permit. The
annual opacity calibration error test reports were submitted to TDEC in
July 1995.
Beryllium stack sampling results indicated that \math{<}1 g of
beryllium was released during 1995; most readings on the filters were
less than the plant laboratory detectable level. Thus, emission rates of
beryllium are well below the NESHAP limit of 10 g/day. Emissions of
other materials have been estimated and are provided in Table 4.4.
The TDEC annual inspection, conducted in July 1995, found no
The Y-12 Plant has reduced CFC emissions by more than
91% since 1992, and improvements are continuing (Fig. 4.9). The efforts of Y-12 Plant management and personnel to
minimize emissions of ozone-depleting substances earned the
Y-122 Plant a White House ``Closing the Circle'' Award for waste
prevention in 1995. The Y-12 Plant was one of 18 organizations to
receive the award, which recognizes outstanding achievements in federal
waste prevention, recycling, and affirmative procurement.
In 1995, ORNL paid $101,150 in annual emission fees to TDEC; it is
estimated that ORNL will pay approximately $100,000 in annual emission
fees in 1996. These fees are based on allowable emissions (actual
emissions are lower than allowable emissions). In early 1995, TDEC
inspected all permitted emission sources to ensure compliance; no
noncompliances were noted.
ORNL is currently preparing the permit application that will be required
under the Title V permit program. It is anticipated that this
application will be due to TDEC in the summer of 1997. To facilitate the
preparation of this application, an existing survey of all emission
points at ORNL was updated. This survey located all emission points and
evaluated their compliance status. Survey results provided information
regarding small sources that are currently exempt from air permit
requirements. The survey will also assist with compliance efforts that
may be required under Title III, Hazardous Air Pollutants.
Actions have been implemented to comply with the prohibition against
releasing ozone-depleting substances under Title VI. Also, service
requirements for refrigeration systems (including motor vehicle air
conditioners), technician certification requirements, and labeling
requirements, have been implemented. ORNL has taken actions to phase out
the use of Class I ozone-depleting substances. The most significant
challenge is the replacement or retrofitting of large chiller systems
that require Class I refrigerants.
Title VI of the CAA amendments addresses stratospheric ozone
protection. This section provides a number of regulations to phase out
the production and to eliminate the intentional release of
ozone-depleting substances to the atmosphere. Ozone-depleting substances
have been used at the K-25 Site, primarily as refrigerants in
gaseous diffusion processes and for office comfort cooling. Because the
K-25 Site is no longer involved in
UE, its stockpile of process
refrigerants was shipped in 1993 to the operational gaseous diffusion
plants in Portsmouth, Ohio, and Paducah, Kentucky, for reuse. Purging of
the residual CFC-114 from process equipment continued until February
1995. Releases of CFC-114 for 1995 are shown in Table 4.8.
The K-25 Site has eliminated the use of CFC-114 and there will be
no future atmospheric emissions of this ozone-depleting substance (also
reflected in Table 4.8).
Additional refrigeration equipment service practices were implemented in
1993 in response to the refrigerant recycling and emissions reduction
rule. This rule focused on record keeping, a leak repair program for
equipment with refrigerant capacity of 50 lb or more, and a safe
equipment/refrigerant disposal program.
EPA regulations also require maintenance personnel to recover and
recycle refrigerants used in air-conditioning/refrigeration equipment.
It also requires that these personnel be trained and certified on the
use of approved refrigerant recovery equipment and be certified through
the EPA certification program for refrigerant recycling and emissions
As a result of a well-implemented and focused Ozone-Depleting Substances
Program, emissions from air-conditioning/refrigeration equipment have
been greatly reduced. It should be noted that the main contributor to
the release of R-22 was a 45-year-old air-conditioning system that is
being replaced in 1996.
The TSCA Incinerator is also a major source of air emissions from the
K-25 Site. Emissions from the incinerator are controlled by
extensive exhaust-gas treatment. Estimated emissions from the
incinerator are significantly less than the permitted allowable
emissions (Table 4.10 ).
DOE Order 5400.5 also established
DCGs for radionuclides in
water. (See Appendix A for a list of radionuclides and their
half-lives.) The DCG is the concentration of a given radionuclide for
one exposure pathway (e.g., drinking water) that would result in an
EDE of 100 mrem
(1 mSv) per year to reference man, as defined by International
Commission on Radiological Protection
(ICRP) publication 23
(ICRP 1975
). The consumption of water is assumed to be 730 L/year at the DCG
level. DCGs were calculated using methodologies consistent with
recommendations found in ICRP publications 26
(ICRP 1977
) and 30 (ICRP 1978
). DCGs are used as reference concentrations for conducting
environmental protection programs at DOE sites, as screening values for
considering best available technology for treatment of liquid effluents,
and for making dose comparisons. Radiological data are determined as
percentages of the DCG for a given isotope. In the event that a sum of
the percentages of the DCGs for each location ever exceeds 100%, an
analysis of the best available technology to reduce the sum of the
percentages of the DCGs to less than 100% would be required as
specified in DOE Order 5400.5.
The following parameters are monitored routinely under the plan:
\noindent The revised plan also requires that a gamma scan be performed
routinely for 1 year. The resultant data will be reviewed to
determine the applicability of this measurement.
In addition, the Y-12 Plant is permitted to discharge domestic
wastewater to the city of Oak Ridge Sewage Treatment Plant
STP under Industrial and
Commercial User Waste Water Discharge Permit No. 1-91. Radiological
monitoring of this discharge is also conducted and is reported to the
city of Oak Ridge. The following parameters are monitored routinely:
The Central Pollution Control Facility (Outfall 501) is the only
treatment facility that has exceeded maximum allowable DCGs in the past;
however, improvements in the treatment process have resulted in effluent
data consistently well below DCGs. This improvement can be seen in
Fig. 4.11, which shows 238U concentrations since 1989.
Additional radiological monitoring at kilometer 12.4
(mile 7.7) on Upper Bear Creek was historically conducted in
response to Section IV, Part 4, of a 1983 memorandum of
understanding agreed to by DOE,
EPA, and
TDEC. The monitoring
continued as a best management practice until July 1995. Monitoring
at kilometer 11.97, which has been proposed as a replacement site,
continued throughout the year. These changes were proposed with
ORR Environmental
Monitoring Plan
for implementation in 1995. Analytical data are reported monthly to
TDEC as an attachment to the discharge monitoring report required by
NPDES. For each of these in-stream locations, all radiological results
for 1995 were below 10% of the DCGs.
In 1995, the total of uranium and associated curies released from the
Y-12 Plant at the easternmost monitoring station, Station 17
on Upper East Fork Poplar Creek
(UEFPC), and the westernmost
monitoring station, at Bear Creek kilometer (BCK) 4.55 (NPDES
Outfall 304), was 105 kg, or 0.135 Ci (5.0E+9 Bq)
(Table 4.12).
Figure 4.12 illustrates a 5-year trend of these releases.
The City of Oak Ridge Industrial and Commercial User Waste Water
Discharge Permit allows the Y-12 Plant to discharge wastewater to
be treated at the Oak Ridge Wastewater Treatment Facility through the
East End Sanitary Sewer Monitoring Station
(EESSMS), also identified
as SS-6 (Fig. 4.10).
No single radionuclide in the Y-12 Plant contribution to the
sanitary sewer exceeded 1% of the DCG. Summed percentages of DCGs
calculated from the Y-12 Plant contribution to the sewer are
essentially zero. Results of radiological monitoring were reported to
the city of Oak Ridge with the quarterly monitoring report (Table 4.13
Potential sources of radionuclides discharging to the sanitary sewer had
been identified in previous studies at the Y-12 Plant as part of a
best management practices initiative to meet the
ALARA goals of the
Y-12 Plant. These data show that levels of radioactivity are orders
of magnitude below regulatory levels established in DOE orders and are
not thought to pose a safety or health risk. A 1995 report, Update
Summary of the 1991 Discharge of Enriched Uranium to the Sanitary Sewer
(DEUSS) Report
(Energy Systems 1995
), was issued in 1995 to further document radionuclide discharges to the
sanitary sewer. Figure 4.13 illustrates the 5-year trend of total uranium discharges from the
Y-12 Plant Sanitary Sewer.
DOE DCGs are used in this document as a means of standardized comparison
for effluent points with different isotope signatures. The average
concentration is expressed as a percentage of the DCG when a DCG exists
and when the average concentration is significantly greater than zero.
The calculation of percentage of the DCG for ingestion of water does not
imply that effluent points or ambient water sampling stations at ORNL
are sources of drinking water. For 1995, only three radionuclides had an
average concentration greater than 5% of the relevant DCG; they
were 3H, total radioactive strontium, and 137Cs.
The largest percentage was the 3H concentration at Melton
Branch 1, at 21% of the DCG (Fig. 4.15). Following guidelines given in DOE Order 5400.5, fractional DCG
values for the radionuclides detected at each monitoring point are
summed to determine whether radioactivity is within acceptable levels.
In 1995, the sum of DCG percentages at each effluent point and ambient
water station was less than 100%, and therefore within acceptable
The discharge from ORNL of radioactive contaminants to the Clinch River
is affected by stream flows. Clinch River flows are regulated by a
series of TVA dams, one of
which is Melton Hill Dam. The flow in Melton Branch is usually less than
one-third of that in WOC. In 1995, the monthly ratio of flow in WOC
(measured at WOD) to flow in the Clinch River (measured at Melton Hill
Dam) ranged from 0.0016 to 0.023, thus providing significant dilution of
any radioactivity released into the Clinch River from WOC.
Amounts of radioactivity released at WOD are calculated from
concentration and flow. As shown in Figs. 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, and 4.21, the total discharges, or amounts, of radioactivity released at WOD
during the past 4 years have remained in the same range of values
but showed a slight decrease in 1995 from 1994.
In 1995, only one Category II gross beta result triggered a total
radioactive strontium analysis; none of the Category I gross beta
results exceeded the strontium trigger level. The maximum gross beta
value of 3200 pCi/L occurred at Category II Outfall 204,
which discharges into WOC west of Building 3544. The next highest
value was considerably lower, 500 pCi/L, at Category II
Outfall 207, which discharges into WOC east of
Building 3534.
Uranium discharges to surface waters over a 5-year period were
investigated to observe their trend (Fig. 4.23). The effluent point having the greatest DCG percentage was the
K-1407-J outfall. Uranium isotopes contributed to this percentage
as shown in Fig. 4.24. The increase in uranium discharges is attributed to TSCA Incinerator
wastewater, which is sent to the CNF for treatment before discharging at
K-1407-J (Outfall 011).
The CWA requires that EPA establish limits on the amounts of specific
pollutants that may be discharged to surface waters. The standards,
called effluent limitations, are written into NPDES permits issued to
all municipal and industrial dischargers. The Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and
the K-25 Site are each required to monitor discharges at
frequencies specified in their permits to ensure compliance with the
NPDES effluent limitations. The TDEC Division of Water Pollution Control
has the authority to issue NPDES permits and to monitor compliance with
the permits in the state of Tennessee under the Tennessee Water Control
Act and according to the rules and regulations of the Tennessee Water
quality control (QC) Board. DOE
waste treatment facilities have formal wastewater acceptability control
and surveillance programs that ensure the protection of the facilities
and the proper treatment of wastes. Among other things, these programs
define pretreatment requirements and waste acceptance criteria.
Discharges are regulated under NPDES permits.
The CWA also created the Federal Pretreatment Program to regulate
industrial discharges to sanitary sewer systems, which are also referred
to as POTW. Under the Federal
Pretreatment Program, industries are required to monitor and regulate
their discharges to a POTW. The state of Tennessee has created the
Tennessee Pretreatment Program, which requires municipalities to develop
their own municipal POTWs for their local industries. Municipal POTWs
issue permits to industries, spelling out the responsibilities of the
industries for pretreatment and compliance with the sewer-use ordinance.
These responsibilities include the monitoring of their waste streams to
determine pollutant concentration limits.
Sanitary wastewater from the Y-12 Plant is discharged to the city
of Oak Ridge POTW. Both ORNL and the K-25 Site have on-site sewage
treatment plants.
The water quality of surface streams in the vicinity of the
Y-12 Plant is affected by current and past operations. Discharges
from Y-12 Plant processes affect water quality and flow in EFPC
before entering the Clinch River. In past years, discharge of coal
bottom ash slurry to the McCoy Branch Watershed from the Y-12 Steam
Plant occurred. This practice has been stopped, and coal ash is
currently collected dry and is being used for recycle or for filler to
support landfill operations.
Bear Creek water quality is affected by area source runoff and
groundwater discharges. Discharges to surface water allowed under the
permit include storm drainage, cooling water, cooling tower blowdown,
and treated process wastewaters, including effluents from wastewater
treatment facilities. Sumps that collect groundwater inflow in building
basements are also permitted for discharge to the creek. The monitoring
data collected by the sampling and analysis of permitted discharges are
compared with the appropriate NPDES limits when a limit exists for each
parameter. Some parameters are ``monitor only,'' with no limits
During the first 6 months of 1995 the Y-12 Plant operated under a
permit that had been issued in 1985. In 1989 an application for permit
renewal was submitted to TDEC. Earnest consideration of the permit
renewal request began in 1992 with information meetings conducted
between representatives of the TDEC, DOE, and Lockheed Martin. The
Y-12 Plant submitted a storm water permit application in 1992, and
an update or addendum to the 1989 permit application was filed in early
1993. A new permit was issued on April 28, 1995. Compliance monitoring
in accordance with new permit conditions was initiated on the permit
effective date (July 1, 1995). The effluent limitations contained
in the permit are based on the protection of water quality in the
receiving streams. The permit places emphasis on storm water runoff and
biological, toxicological, and radiological monitoring. Some of the more
significant changes in the new permit are as follows.
Prior to June 28, 1994, samples from the sanitary sewer were
collected from two sites to monitor compliance to the permit: the City
Monitoring Station (SS4) and the Union Valley Station (SS5). The
Y-12 Plant contribution was calculated by subtracting the loading
of the Union Valley Station from the loading of the City Station. The
Union Valley Station does not have any Y-12 Plant waste streams
associated with it. Two additional in-plant monitoring points (SS1 and
SS2) were monitored as a best management practice. In July 1994,
the EESSMS (SS-6) (Fig. 4.10) was put into service. Completion of the monitoring station and
rerouting of the associated sewer line combined all Y-12 Plant
sanitary sewer effluent into one discharge line. The EESSMS is capable
of monitoring all Y-12 Plant sanitary sewer effluent. Thus no
additional sampling sites are required and back-calculation of
contaminant releases based on two monitoring location is no longer
The Industrial User Permit expired at the end of August 1995. As
required by the city, a sanitary sewer permit application and
questionnaire form were submitted in July 1995. The questionnaire
is used by the city's Department of Public Works staff to set limits for
industrial and commercial discharges. Reissuance of the Y-12 Plant
permit is in part contingent on review of permits issued to other
industrial customers and on the issuance of an NPDES permit for the
city's wastewater treatment facility.
The PCB Monitoring Plan for
the Y-12 Plant specifies sampling locations and frequencies of
sampling for PCBs. All results for the year were less than the
analytical detection limit, which is 0.0005 mg/L (Table 4.17).
Monitoring of nonradiological parameters at kilometer 12.4
(mile 7.7) on Upper Bear Creek continued until July 1995, as it did
for radiological parameters, to monitor the influence of seepage from
the S-3 ponds site. Because of decreased flow at this site since closure
of the S-3 ponds, a new site at kilometer 11.97 has also been
monitored as a replacement site. Analytical data from both sites have
been compared, and changes in the monitoring routine were implemented in
July 1995. Analytical data are reported monthly to TDEC in an attachment
to the discharge monitoring report required by NPDES. These sites were
monitored once per week for nonradiological parameters. Surface water in
the upper reaches of Bear Creek contains elevated trace metals and
nitrate concentrations.
Table 4.18
summarizes Y-12 Plant contributions to the sanitary sewer system
for 1995.
Ecological recovery of EFPC is continuing, with some significant recent
trends. Pollution-intolerant fish species are being found below Lake
Reality, and there has been substantial reduction in toxicity above Lake
Reality. However, both fish and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in
UEFPC are dominated by pollution-tolerant species, especially above Lake
Reality. Additional recovery may occur in response to reductions in
mercury levels in EFPC. Complete recovery may not occur because water
temperatures are elevated, inadvertent discharges/spills may occur, and
availability of habitat is limited above Lake Reality.
Flow Management (or Raw Water) Project
Discharges to EFPC have decreased in volume from about 10 million
gal/day (38 million L/day) in the early 1980s to about
3.5 million gal/day (13.2 million L/day) currently, primarily
because of reductions in plant operations. These reductions have
increased concern about maintaining water quality and stable flow in the
upper reaches of EFPC. Accordingly, the new NPDES permit requires
addition of Clinch River water to the headwaters of EFPC (North/South
Pipe-Outfall 200 area) by March 1997 so that a minimum flow of
7 million gal/day (26.5 million L/day) is maintained at the
point where EFPC leaves the reservation. Design of this project was
completed in early 1995. Construction is planned to be completed in
Ammonia Reduction at Outfall 17
A urea pile was maintained above Outfall 17 for about
10 years; the urea was used for deicing roads and sidewalks.
Elevated levels of ammonia nitrate in EFPC were traced to
Outfall 17 as a result of a fish kill in December 1992. The urea
pile was removed at that time; however, the soil in the area of the pile
remains contaminated. The sudden toxic effect on fish was attributed to
the start-up of dechlorination efforts on EFPC in the preceding month,
which reduced available chlorine that apparently was reacting with and
neutralizing the ammonia.
A feasibility study completed in late 1994 defines possible corrective
actions. The new NPDES permit contains compliance requirements for
Outfall 17, which are being achieved (since early 1993) as a result
of natural flushing of contaminants from the site.
Non-Point-Source Studies
Storm water runoff is required to be periodically sampled and analyzed
for a large number of contaminants by the Y-12 Plant Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan
. The plan was issued in September 1995 in accordance with provisions of
the NPDES permit. The plan presents (1) programmatic and physical
best management practice controls implemented at the Y-12 Plant,
(2) surveillance programs, and (3) a monitoring plan for
characterizing storm water discharges. Storm water runoff data from
previous years were analyzed and the Feasibility Study of Best
Management Practices for Non-Point Source Pollution Control at the Oak
Ridge Y-12 Plant
(CDM 1993
) was issued in 1993. Additional studies were initiated on the basis of
this report. Sampling of parking lots, the metal scrap yard, and
selected building roofs was completed in 1994. The data will help
determine whether the areas are specific sources of contaminants
observed in storm water flow in EFPC . These types of investigations
will continue as necessary to ensure compliance with the NPDES permit
and other regulatory requirements.
Drain Modifications and Reroutes
Extensive drain surveys conducted in years previous to 1993 identified
incorrectly connected building drains to either the sanitary or storm
sewers. Most of these drains were administratively closed at that time.
Permanent and physical changes to provide correct drain routings were
designed and initiated in 1993 for 32 ``major'' buildings. One
building was completed in 1993, and 25 buildings were completed in
1994. Several changes were made to the initial plans because of the
ongoing downsizing of the plant. The remaining buildings will be
completed as funding appropriations permit.
An additional design effort, which began in 1993, identified drains
(primarily floor drains) that needed to be closed to ensure that
accidental or unauthorized discharges are not made to either sanitary or
storm sewers. The original scope included 21 buildings but has been
reduced to 18 because managers were proactive in closing off drains
that were under their control and for which sufficient funding was
available. This design was completed in 1994. Work in 6 buildings
was completed in 1994 and in the remaining 12 in 1995.
Several additional projects have been initiated to eliminate drains
incorrectly discharging to EFPC or the sanitary sewer. Two main
buildings in the Biology complex (9208 and 9207) were corrected in 1993
and 1994, respectively, by the rerouting of drains from EFPC to the
sanitary sewer. A steam condensate discharge of about
40,000 gal/day (150,000 L/day) to the sanitary sewer from
Building 9769 was rerouted to the steam plant in early 1995.
In addition, a project was begun in late 1994 to survey all the
remaining and previously unsurveyed building drains at the
Y-12 Plant. The survey was completed in early 1995. Incorrectly
routed drains have been identified for closure or correction, and many
drains were corrected or eliminated. Further corrective actions will be
taken as funding appropriations permit.
Reduction of Mercury in Plant Effluent
(RMPE): Phase II
The legacy of contamination resulting from use and storage of mercury at
the Y-12 Plant has prompted a series of remedial measures. The
RMPE II program is structured to serve as a bridge between
downstream remediation of EFPC and upstream remedial actions at the
Y-12 Plant. These efforts are directed toward meeting the NPDES
permit requirements of 5 g/day from the Y-12 Plant by
December 31, 1998. Six projects (four building source elimination
efforts and two treatment units) have been identified under the RMPE
II program to reduce mercury contamination to UEFPC.
Significant progress was made in 1994 and 1995 toward reduction of
mercury in discharges to EFPC. Construction and start-up of the Interim
Mercury Treatment Unit
(IHgTU) for
Building 9201-2 was completed in September 1994. A study was
initiated in 1995 to evaluate upgrading the IHgTU to a permanent system.
The upgrade will be complete in early 1996. The IHgTU, which continues
to operate, treated more than 1 million gal
(3.78 million L) of water in 1994 and 4.3 million gal
(16.27 million L) in 1995. In addition, rerouting pipes for
buildings 9201-2 and 9201-5 was completed to eliminate sources of
mercury. Design work was completed in 1994 for reroutes in
buildings 9201-4 and 9204-4; construction is expected to be
completed in early 1996.
To provide permanent mercury treatment capability, the Central Mercury
Treatment System (CMTS) was
designed in 1995; construction will be completed in 1996. The facility
will be located in the existing Central Pollution Control Facility in
Building 9623. Mercury-contaminated groundwater originating from
sumps in buildings 9201-4, 9201-5, and 9204-4 will be collected and
transported to CMTS for treatment. The system will be sized based on
treatability studies such that water released to EFPC is within the
NPDES limits (2 parts per billion, monthly average). The discharge
of the CMTS will be through a new NPDES outfall.
Between January 6 and January 8, 1995, approximately 1800 dead fish were
retrieved from EFPC. Water quality data thoroughly documents rapid and
wide fluctuations in temperature and conductivity following ice and
thunderstorms on January 6, 1995. These water-quality changes were
a direct result of the unusual weather conditions and the associated
application of road de-icer compounds. Toxicity tests and calculations
of maximum concentrations of salts suggest that the impact from the road
de-icers was far less significant than the effect of the rapid drop in
On August 3, 1995, an estimated 5 gal (19 L) of wastewater
containing an unsaturated polyester resin (43% styrene) was
released to the storm sewer system during an in situ pipe-relining
operation. A small amount of resin failed to catalyze and harden during
the curing process and was released to EFPC at Outfall 109. The
discharge resulted in the death of approximately 5500 minnow-sized fish
in the upper reaches of EFPC within the Y-12 Plant boundaries. The
project plan has been revised to include the use of physical barriers to
prevent the release of wastewater associated with this activity.
ORNL's current NPDES permit requires that point-source outfalls be
sampled before they are discharged into receiving waters or before they
mix with any other wastewater stream (see Fig. 4.14). Numeric and aesthetic effluent limits have been placed on the
following locations:
Permit limits and compliance are shown by location in Table 4.19. Compliance with the NPDES permit for the last 3 years is
summarized by major effluent locations in Fig. 4.25. The figure provides a list of the effluent locations and the number of
noncompliances at each location. The majority of permit limit excursions
in 1995 occurred at the Category II outfalls. All Category II
limit excursions in 1995 were associated with total suspended solids,
typically residual dust or dirt particles, conveyed in storm water
In 1995, at X01, no certain cause was established for February and
October fecal coliform excursions. Effluent chlorine and suspended
solids concentrations were normal at the times of the excursions. ORNL
staff investigated whether rainfall could have contributed to the
excursions, via rain dropping from a collection-point grate into the
sample bottle. In addition, the possibility of
STP facility maintenance
contributing to the excursions was being investigated. Procedural
modifications have been made with regard to these possible causes. The
June 1995 chlorine excursion at X01 was attributed to malfunction of an
automatic feed valve in the sewage treatment plant's effluent
chlorination system. The component was promptly replaced and no
subsequent excursions have occurred. At X02, no certain cause was
established for oil-and-grease and suspended solids excursions that
occurred in June and October, respectively. An ORNL project, Upgrade
Coal Yard Runoff Treatment Facility, will be concluded in 1996 and will
provide additional removal capability for solids, oils, and greases. At
X12, all parameters were 100% in compliance. ORNL had no fish kills
in 1995.
At the Category I and II outfalls, exceedences of limits on total
suspended solids were attributed to flushing of parking lots or streets
by storm water runoff. Category I and II outfalls are not
contaminated by any known activity, nor do they discharge through any
oil-water separator, other treatment facility, or equipment. During rain
events, waters from the parking lots and surrounding areas drain into
these outfalls, carrying suspended solids and other residue. This
situation may result in total-suspended-solid exceedences. Best
management practices (including frequent street sweeping) are in place
to help avoid these exceedences. In addition, a plan is currently being
carried out to improve sampling points at selected outfalls. At the
cooling systems, all parameters were 100% in compliance.
Prior to the stringent regulations now in effect, some contaminants
reached various streams primarily as the result of accidental spills or
leakages. Most mercury spills occurred from 1954 through 1963, during a
period when ORNL was involved with OREX and METALLEX separations
processes. Most of this activity occurred in or around
buildings 4501, 4505, and 3592 in the main plant area. These
processes are no longer in operation at ORNL. During the time of
operation, an unknown number of mercury spills occurred. The spills were
cleaned up; however, some quantities of mercury escaped and reached the
surrounding environment. Sampling locations have been selected in areas
surrounding known mercury spills. Additional sampling locations have
been selected downstream from the outfalls and drains to determine the
extent to which any mercury is being transported in surface water and
Surface water locations are shown in Fig. 4.26. In 1995 a total of 78 samples were taken from 13 locations.
Samples were collected by the manual grab method and placed in 500-mL
polyethylene bottles with polyethylene caps. In the laboratory, the
samples were analyzed for total mercury content by manual cold vapor
atomic absorption. Mercury was detected at 9 of the
13 sampling locations. The highest value reported was
0.44 �g/L near Outfall 207 in WOC, nearly identical to the
1994 high value of 0.43 at the same location. Average
concentrations ranged from 0.050 to 0.25. The Tennessee Water Quality
Criteria for the protection of fish and aquatic life sets a maximum
concentration of 2.4 �g/L for mercury in water. The highest
concentration, near Outfall 207, was 18% of the reference
Sediment sampling locations are shown in Fig. 4.27 . In 1995, a total of 54 sediment samples were taken from
nine stream locations. Samples were collected by the manual grab
method and placed in glass containers. In the laboratory, the samples
were analyzed for total mercury content by manual cold vapor atomic
absorption. The highest value reported was 880 �g/g near
Outfall 261 on Fifth Creek. Average values at the other sites
ranged from 0.019 to 16 �g/g. In general, results from samples
collected in 1995 were similar to those for 1994.
In 1995, duplicate samples of sediment were collected at ten locations
in streams at and around ORNL (Figs. 4.28 and 4.29). Samples from each location were analyzed by the analytical laboratory
for Aroclors 1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260. Only one
location had results above detection limits. Four additional locations
had laboratory-estimated values below the detection limit. The single
maximum concentration above detection limit, 330 �g/kg for
Aroclor-1254, was reported at the confluence of Fifth Creek and WOC.
Detected Aroclor levels are similar or slightly lower than those
detected in 1994. Results for most samples collected in 1995 were either
below laboratory detection limits or were estimated by the
The following are the five permitted major outfalls at the
K-25 Site (Fig. 4.22):
In accordance with the compliance schedule in Part I,
Section E, of the NPDES permit, the discharges through
Outfalls 010 and 012 ceased permanently on December 30, 1993.
These outfalls were removed from the permit in 1995. Although no
monitoring is required at Outfall 013, routine inspections are conducted
to ensure that no unsightly debris or scum is discharged through this
point as the result of backwash operations at the K-1513 sanitary intake
filter. Outfall 014 is a permitted outfall for the discharge of
effluent from the CNF to the Clinch River. Part I, Section E,
of the permit required that CNF discharges through Outfall 011
cease and CNF discharges through Outfall 014 be fully operational
no later than April 30, 1996. Discharges through Outfall 014
began in November 1995. During operational startup and testing,
discharges from CNF were routed concurrently through both
Outfalls 011 and 014. The project is on schedule to meet the
compliance deadline.
Part I, Section E, of the permit also requires that K-1515 sanitary
water plant (Outfall 009) discharges be rerouted to the Clinch
River by September 30, 1995. Discharges from the new K-1515-F
treatment lagoon to the Clinch River began on June 12, 1995, and
all phases of operational and postoperational testing were completed by
September 18, 1995. By September 30, 1995, the
Outfall 009 compliance schedule was completed and notification of
completion was submitted to TDEC.
The K-1203 Sewage Treatment Plant (Outfall 005) experienced a total
residual chlorine (TRC)
noncompliance in February 1995 during an upset condition caused by
excessive rainfall and infiltration into the sewage collection system.
During the upset condition the chlorine disinfection system and the
ultraviolet (UV) light
disinfection system were operated concurrently in accordance with
operating procedures for upset events to provide maximum disinfection.
TRC concentrations prior to an on subsequent days following the upset
were well below the permit limit. Because this noncompliance was during
an excessive rainfall event, the receiving water for Outfall 005
(Poplar Creek) was at a high flow rate, thus minimizing any potential
for the TRC concentration in the effluent to have a negative impact to
the environment. Observations of the receiving water confirmed that
there were no adverse environmental impacts.
The sewage plant was placed in service in 1976, and many factors,
including age, have contributed to degradation of the sewage collection
system network. The degradation has allowed infiltration of storm water
and groundwater into the system, which has contributed to influent
volumes exceeding the plant design capacity. A sanitary sewer upgrade
project to minimize infiltration was initiated in 1990. Phase I of this
project, which has been completed, included raising the on-site
manholes. Phase 2 of the project, which started in November 1994,
includes relining the sanitary sewer system pipes. Relining activities
continued through 1995 and point-source repairs for seriously damaged
sections were initiated.
The K-1203 Sewage Treatment Plant (Outfall 005) experienced a
BOD noncompliance with the
NPDES Permit in February 1995. A thorough investigation into this event
was conducted, including consultation with the Operator Training Center
in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The investigation revealed that there had
not been a BOD shock to the treatment system because the microorganisms
would not have recovered without operational reseeding. Furthermore,
there would have been evidence of the plant going septic as a result of
the microorganisms dying, and no such evidence existed. All other NPDES
parameters measured at the time of the incident were well within permit
limits and indicated proper operation of the system.
Outfall 009 is the discharge point for the K-1515 sanitary water plant,
which provides sanitary water to the K-25 Site to be used for
drinking, fire protection, and other purposes. It also provides water to
two industries in the Bear Creek Road Industrial Park through an
arrangement with the city of Oak Ridge. Raw water is taken from the
Clinch River and treated at K-1515. In accordance with the NPDES permit,
the K-1515-F settling lagoon was constructed and began discharging to
the Clinch River in June 1995. Successful completion of the operational
and postoperational testing phase was completed before the September
1995 compliance schedule date. The K-1515 sanitary water plant exhibited
100% compliance with the K-25 NPDES permit during 1995.
The K-25 Site CNF, Outfalls 011 and 014, has provisions for
the treatment of nonhazardous and hazardous wastes. Nonhazardous flow
entering the CNF consists of steam plant effluents and various
small-quantity or infrequent streams from waste disposal requests.
Hazardous streams include effluents from the TSCA Incinerator, the steam
plant hydrogen softener waste stream, and various small-quantity or
infrequent streams from waste disposal requests. The NPDES permit
requires termination of CNF discharges to Poplar Creek through
Outfall 011 by April 30, 1996. Installation of a new pipeline
from CNF to Outfall 014 in the Clinch River was completed in
October 1995, and TDEC approval to begin operation was received.
All postoperational testing of the pipeline and termination of
Outfall 011 discharges to Poplar Creek were completed by January
1996 and the compliance schedule for this outfall was met four months
ahead of schedule. CNF exhibited 100% compliance with the K-25
NPDES permit during 1995.
The K-25 NPDES Permit includes 137 storm drain outfalls that are grouped
into four categories based on their potential for pollutants to be
present in their discharge. Category I storm drains have
intermittent flow and drain storm water runoff from areas remotely
associated with plant activities and subsurface runoff; Category II
storm drains have intermittent flow and drain stormwater runoff from
building roof drains and paved areas associated with plant activities;
Category III storm drains have intermittent flow and drain storm
water runoff from areas associated with concentrated storage areas, roof
drains, coolant systems, and parking lots; and Category IV storm
drains have continuous flow and drain cooling water discharges and
runoff from industrial areas. Monitoring at storm drain outfalls is
conducted semiannually, quarterly, monthly, or weekly for
Categories I through IV, respectively, with those storm drains that
have the highest potential for pollution being sampled most
The remaining three K-25 site NPDES noncompliances for 1995 occurred at
storm drain outfalls. These noncompliances occurred at Outfall 120,
Outfall 480/490, and Outfall 100.
In February 1995 a sewage bypass pump failed during a relining operation
as part of the sanitary sewer upgrade project at the low point of
system, causing sewage to back up and overflow from a manhole. As a
result, approximately 100 gal (378 L) of raw sewage spilled
onto a parking area and flowed into a nearby storm drain catch basin
leading to Outfall 120. The bypass pump was immediately brought
back on line and the sewage remaining in the parking area was washed
back into the sanitary sewer system.
A visible sheen was observed emanating from Outfall 480/490 on
May 1, 1995. Oil-absorbent booms and pads were utilized to contain
and remove the sheen and a walkdown of the complete storm drain system
was initiated to find the source of the sheen. Areas of specific concern
were not identified in the investigation.
In December 1995 freezing conditions caused a sanitary water line break,
resulting in a discharge of chlorinated water through Outfall 100,
which is a Category IV storm drain. The discharge caused the TRC limit
at Outfall 100 to be exceeded. As the water line was being repaired
a temporary dechlorination system was installed in the storm drain
network to ensure that chlorine levels at the outfall were maintained
within NPDES permit limits. The temporary dechlorination system was
removed from the storm drain network after repairs on the sanitary water
line were completed.
A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
(SWPPP) is another
requirement of the NPDES permit. The K-25 SWPPP was initiated in October
1993 and addresses the following components:
The sampling program is conducted to evaluate and characterize storm
water runoff. Storm drains were monitored for various contaminants,
depending on the types of areas drained by the system. PCBs, chemical
oxygen demand, and radioactivity are sampled in all areas of the site.
Through the evaluation of storm water effluent, further sampling or
investigation was defined, and pollutant sources and areas for
corrective actions were identified.
The FY 1995 sampling and
analysis plan was developed with the information from the 1987 and 1994
sampling results, knowledge of various processes and functions conducted
at the K-25 Site, material storage and handling practices, and
waste disposal practices in the drainage areas for each outfall. Storm
drains that drained similar areas were grouped to minimize the number of
storm drains to be sampled. Thirty storm drains were placed into six
groups located at the powerhouse area. One storm drain from each group
and all other outfalls were sampled according to the plan. Dry- and
wet-weather samples are planned to be collected in FY 1996 at
continuous-flow storm drains in conjunction with water and sediment
sampling to be conducted within the piping systems.
An assessment of the K-25 Site was conducted to determine which
areas, activities, or materials may be contributing pollutants to the
storm drain system. When a potential source was identified, management
practices were reviewed to determine if there was a risk of pollutants
entering storm water. If there was a risk, either corrective actions
were identified or best management practices were applied. Best
management practice plans were developed for the TSCA Incinerator, the
CNF, the K-1501 Steam Plant, and the K-1414 Garage. These facilities
were considered to be at risk because of the nature of the activities
and because they are operating facilities. In 1995, best management
practice plans were developed for the K-1417 Drum Storage Yard and for
construction activities because contaminants may reach storm water.
There are also three ongoing activities that are considered to be
site-wide best management practices because they provide the site with
information on contamination, transport of storm water, and effects of
contamination. These three best management practices are the storm drain
survey, radiological survey, and
An SWPPP site map was developed as a visual aid to bring all of the site
data together. Knowing the location of all identified potential
pollutant sources in relation to the storm drain system (and sensitive
environmental areas) gives the user an idea of potential pollutants that
can be expected to be found at a particular outfall. By using the map,
pollutants can be traced from an outfall to a source or from a potential
source to its respective outfall.
Two semiannual inspections were performed in 1995. The first site
inspection, performed in January 1995, comprised an assessment of
compliance at various facilities with existing CWA best management
practices, a site-wide dry-weather inspection, and a site-wide
inspection during a storm event. The second inspection was performed in
August 1995. Inspection criteria included evaluation of erosion-control
methods employed during construction projects at the site, and the
extent to which control guidelines were followed.
Effluent from the Groundwater Treatment Facility was tested in April and
June using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. In April, the effluent's NOEC was 0.5% for
and 10% for fathead minnows. The calculated IWC was 2.09%. In June,
the effluent's 48-hour LC50 was 100% for both
and fathead minnows. The calculated IWC was 0.73%.
Effluent from the Central Pollution Control Facility was tested in May
and June using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. In May, the treated effluent from the Central
Pollution Control Facility had an NOEC of 100% for both
and fathead minnows. In June, the treated effluent from the Central
Pollution Control Facility had a 48-hour LC50 of
\math{>}100% for both Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. The calculated IWCs of Central Pollution Control
Facility effluent in EFPC
were 0.23% in May and 0.40% in June. Because the IWCs were
less than the NOEC and the LC50, it is unlikely that treated
effluent from that facility adversely affected the aquatic biota in
Water from the in-stream monitoring point, Outfall 201, was tested
seven times during the period using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. Four tests were conducted in May and the NOECs
were 100%, 80%, \math{<}80%, and 80% for Ceriodaphnia
; the NOEC s were each 100% for fathead minnows. The 96-hour
LC50s for Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows were all \math{>}100%. (The 96-hour
LC50s were developed during the chronic tests.) Three tests
were conducted in June and the NOECs were 80%, 100%, and 100% for
, and were 100%, 80%, and 100% for fathead minnows. The June
LC50s for both Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows were all \math{>}100%.
Storm sewer monitoring began in June at four locations in the storm
system via the Surface Water Hydrological Information Support System
(SWHISS), which include
Buildings 9422-11, 9422-12, 9422-15, and 9422-16. The water from the
storm sewer at Building 9422-11 had a 48-hour LC50 of
38.5% for Ceriodaphnia
and \math{>}100% for fathead minnows. The water from the Building
9422-12 storm sewer had 48-hour LC50s of 37.3% and 74.8%
for Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows, respectively. Water from the storm sewer at
Building 9422-15 had a 48-hour LC50 of 77.2% for
and \math{>}100% for fathead minnows. The water from the
Building 9422-16 storm sewer had a 48-hour LC50 of
\math{>}100% for both Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. During the toxicity tests, total residual chlorine
was measured in storm sewer water samples from Buildings 9422-12
and 9422-15; therefore, chlorine may have contributed to the mortality
of the Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows in these tests. Later tests include toxicity
testing of dechlorinated storm sewer water to evaluate the effects of
chlorine on the test results.
Effluent from the Central Pollution Control Facility was tested in July
using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows, and in December using only Ceriodaphnia
. The effluent's 48-hour LC50 was \math{>}100% for all
tests. The calculated IWCs (0.41% and 0.36%) were below the
LC50s; therefore, it is unlikely that treated effluent from
the Central Pollution Control Facility adversely affected the aquatic
biota in EFPC.
Effluent from the Groundwater Treatment Facility was tested in July
using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows, and in October using only Ceriodaphnia
. In July, the treated effluent from the Groundwater Treatment Facility
had a 48-hour LC50 of 87.6% for Ceriodaphnia
and 40.7% for fathead minnows. In October, Groundwater Treatment
Facility effluent had a 48-hour LC50 of
\math{>}100% using only Ceriodaphnia
. The calculated IWCs of Groundwater Treatment Facility effluent was
0.43% in July and 0.31% in October. Because the IWCs were less
than the LC50s, it is unlikely that treated effluent from
that facility adversely affected the aquatic biota in EFPC.
Effluent from the WETF was tested in July using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows, and in October using only Ceriodaphnia
. The July 48-hour LC50s were 42.4% for
and 82.9% for fathead minnows. The October 48-hour LC50
was 24.2% using only Ceriodaphnia
. The calculated IWCs (2.02% and 0.78%) were below the LC50s;
therefore, it is unlikely that treated effluent from the facility
adversely affected the aquatic biota in EFPC.
Toxicity testing of storm sewers is conducted at Buildings 9422-11,
9422-12, 9422-15, and 9422-16, which monitor locations in the storm
system as part of the SWHISS. Water from the storm sewer at
Building 9422-11 was tested in July using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows, and in October using Ceriodaphnia
only. In July, water from the storm sewer at Building 9422-11 had
a 48-hour LC50 of \math{>}100% for both
and fathead minnows. A portion of this water was treated by
dechlorination before testing. The 48-hour LC50 of the
dechlorinated water was \math{>}100% for both Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. In October, the 48-hour LC50 was
39.5% using Ceriodaphnia
Storm sewer water from Building 9422-12 was tested in July using
and fathead minnows and in October using only Ceriodaphnia
. In July, the 48-hour LC50 was 35.2% for
and 85.4% for fathead minnows. In October, the 48-hour
LC50 was 55.4% for Ceriodaphnia
. The 48-hour LC50 of dechlorinated water was
\math{>}100% using only Ceriodaphnia
Storm sewer water at Building 9422-15 was tested in July using
and fathead minnows, and in October using only Ceriodaphnia
. The July 48-hour LC50 was 66.6% for
and \math{>}100% for fathead minnows. The 48-hour LC50s
of dechlorinated storm sewer water were 71.8% and
\math{>}100% for Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows, respectively. In October, the storm sewer at
Building 9422-15 had a 48-hour LC50 of
\math{>}100% using only Ceriodaphnia
The storm sewer at Building 9422-16 was tested in July using
and fathead minnows, and in October using Ceriodaphnia
only. The July 48-hour LC50 was 87.1% for
and \math{>}100% for fathead minnows. The 48-hour LC50s
for the dechlorinated water were \math{>}100% for both
and fathead minnows. In October, the 48-hour LC50 was
\math{>}100% using Ceriodaphnia
Water from the in-stream monitoring point, Outfall 201, was tested
twice during the period using Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. In July, the NOEC was 100% for both
and fathead minnows; the 96-hour LC50 was
\math{>}100% for both Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows. In October, the NOEC was 100% for both
and fathead minnows; the 96-hour LC50 was
\math{>}100% for both Ceriodaphnia
and fathead minnows.
During 1994, the CYRTF and the NRWTF were tested twice each, and the
Sewage Treatment Plant was tested five times. The CYRTF wastewater's
NOECs were 100% for fathead minnows and 50% and 12% for
. The corresponding wastewater's IWCs were 0.5% and 8.0%. Because
the IWC was consistently lower than the NOEC , it is unlikely that
wastewater from the CYRTF adversely affected the aquatic biota of WOC
during 1995.
Full-strength wastewater from the NRWTF was not toxic to
during the April and October tests; therefore, no IWC was calculated on
the NRWTF for 1995. Fathead minnow testing for this facility was
discontinued as allowed in the NPDES permit guidelines. The STP
wastewater's NOEC for Ceriodaphnia
ranged from 6% to 50% during 1994. The NOEC for the STP was
6% in April, 12% on two occasions (April and November),
50% in July, and 25% in September. Per guidelines in the NPDES
permit, no fathead minnow tests were conducted for the STP. Because the
IWC exceeded the NOEC for both tests conducted in April, a Toxicity
Control Plan for the STP was
developed and implemented in July, and toxicity testing for this
facility was increased to every other month.
During 1994 the Melton Branch (X13) site was tested 11 times, and the
WOC (X14) site was tested 10 times. Water from X13 reduced fathead
minnow survival on five occasions (April, May, October, November, and
December) and Ceriodaphnia
reproduction on two occasions (February and December). Confirmatory
tests conducted in May and November again resulted in reduced fathead
minnow survival. Follow-up confirmatory tests conducted in June and
December showed the water to be nontoxic; thus the toxicity appeared to
be transient. Confirmatory tests using Ceriodaphnia
were conducted in February and December. Both confirmatory tests
resulted in NOECs of 100%. Water from X14 reduced fathead minnow
survival on two occasions (April and May) and Ceriodaphnia
reproduction on two occasions (August and December). A confirmatory
test of fathead minnows, conducted in May, again resulted in reduced
fathead minnow survival. A secondary confirmatory test conducted in June
showed the water to be nontoxic; thus the toxicity appeared to be
transient. Confirmatory tests using Ceriodaphnia
were conducted in September and December. Both confirmatory tests
resulted in NOECs of 100%. To determine whether fathead minnow mortality
in the ambient water samples might be caused by a fungal or bacterial
pathogen, water from X13 and X14 was exposed to
UV light for a
20-min period. Tests of water from sites X13 and X14 showed
improved fathead minnow survival or growth in water treated with UV
light (NOECs were 100%).
The results of the toxicity tests of wastewaters from K-1407-J and
K-1203 conducted during 1995 are given in Table 4.26.
This table provides the month the test was conducted, the wastewater's
no-observed-effect level
(NOEL), and 96-hour lethal
concentration for 50% of the test organisms (LC50) for
fathead minnows and Ceriodaphnia
for each wastewater. Average water quality measures obtained during
each toxicity test are shown in Table 4.27.
Effluent from K-1407-J (Outfall 011) was tested twice with fathead
minnows and Ceriodaphnia
. The effluent's NOELs were 75% on both occasions for fathead
minnows and 25% and 75% for Ceriodaphnia
. The LC50s were \math{>}75% for fathead minnows on both
occasions, \math{>}25% in the May tests, and 75% in the
November test for Ceriodaphnia
. The toxicity tests conducted for this outfall were within the limits
specified by the NPDES permit.
Effluent from K-1203 was tested four times with fathead minnows and with
. In all four tests, full-strength samples did not reduce survival,
growth, or reproduction. Thus the NOELs were 100% and the
LC50s were \math{>}100%.
From November 1994 to March 1995, the highest mercury
concentrations in sunfish on the ORR continued to be in fish from
EFPC (Fig. 4.31). Mean mercury concentrations in sunfish from the middle sections of
East Fork (from EFK 6.3 to EFK 23.4) were similar, with lower
mercury concentrations in fish from areas downstream [EFK 2.1,
Poplar Creek kilometer
(PCK) 6.9, Clinch River
kilometer (CRK) 15.0].
The twofold to threefold higher concentrations in sunfish above Lake
Reality suggests that Y-12 Plant discharges continue to be an
important source of mercury in fish in the upper reaches of EFPC. In
addition to EFPC, elevated concentrations of mercury were clearly
evident in fish from Poplar Creek, Bear Creek, and
WOC. Overall, mean mercury
concentrations in fish in 1994/1995 on the ORR were similar to those
observed in 1993-94.
A pattern of decreasing concentration with distance downstream is
apparent for PCBs in redbreast sunfish in EFPC (Fig. 4.32). Redbreast sunfish from sites upstream of EFK 23.4
(EFK 23.7, EFK 24.8) contained PCB concentrations in
December 1994 substantially higher than those observed in fish from
other EFPC sites. The high concentrations in fish at sites in
UEFPC indicate the
importance of the industrialized portion of the Y-12 Plant as a
source in relation to contaminated sediment and soil downstream of Lake
Reality. Mean PCB concentrations in sunfish were also elevated in WOC
and Bear Creek during the same time period. In general, mean PCB
concentrations in sunfish collected in 1993-95 from EFPC and WOC are
substantially higher than those observed in fish collected in previous
Toxicity tests on effluent from the two major liquid waste treatment
plants at the K-25 Site (the K-1203 sewage treatment plant and the
K-1407-J CNF) show that
discharges from the plants are usually well within the permit limits,
and often have no effect on survival, growth or reproduction even at
full strength. The single exception occurred in the March 1994 testing
of the sewage treatment plant effluent, when the fathead minnow survival
was below the permit limit of a minimum No Observed Effect Limit of
4.2%. A confirmatory test conducted later the same month produced
results well within the permit limits. Toxicity tests on the CNF
effluent have all produced results within the permit limits for the past
two years. The tests at this outfall are scheduled to be discontinued,
as a new outfall has been constructed directly on the Clinch River.
Toxicity testing will not be required under the terms of the NPDES
permit at this new outfall as the Clinch River has a much larger flow
than Poplar Creek. Because of the consistently good test results, the
testing frequency of effluent from the K-1203 sewage treatment plant was
reduced to twice per year in July 1995.
While the NPDES permit does not have toxicity testing limits on
stormwater discharges, testing is conducted to ensure that these
discharges are not inimical to aquatic life. Discharges from two storm
drains, SD-170 and SD-190, frequently demonstrate some impact to the
test organisms. Some of the reduction in survival of fathead minnows in
samples from various K-25 Site locations may be due to a naturally
occurring pathogen. Water samples disinfected with
UV light often show increased
survival compared to untreated samples.
Toxicity tests on water from in-stream locations occasionally exhibit
reduction in survival or reproduction of Ceriodaphnia
, and reductions in fathead minnow survival also occur occasionally. As
is the case for the storm drains, this reduction may largely be
explained by the occurrence of a natural pathogen, such as a fungus or
virus, as disinfection of the water samples often increase survival.
Bioaccumulation studies have been carried out by collecting fish or
caged clams from the subject waters, and analyzing the soft tissue for
contaminants of concern. Fish collected from Mitchell Branch and the
K-901-A and K-1007-B ponds in 1994 showed elevated levels of PCBs when
compared with fish from reference locations. Whole body analysis of prey
fish (chiefly shad) likely to be preyed upon by terrestrial piscivores
show that many contain levels of PCBs above the concentration shown to
be detrimental to some predators, such as mink. Some fish collected from
Poplar Creek also contained concentrations of mercury above the levels
detrimental to mink. Caged clams placed in the pond and stream also
showed detectable levels of PCBs. The results so far seem to indicate
that one or more storm drains entering the pond carry PCBs, and that
much of the PCBs deposited in the pond so far have remained in the pond,
rather than migrating into Poplar Creek. A similar situation appears to
exist in Mitchell Branch, but the levels of PCBs involved seem to be
significantly lower. However, sunfish collected from various localities
along Poplar Creek do not show much variation, indicating that the
contribution of PCBs to Poplar Creek from the K-25 Site is small.
Waterfowl collected near the Site have not shown detectable levels of
Raccoons feed upon fish and other aquatic organisms, so some have been
trapped and analyzed. Lead, mercury, and cadmium have been found in the
raccoons trapped near the K-25 Site. The mercury concentrations
were higher in those raccoons collected along EFPC. This correlates with
the elevated mercury levels found in the prey fish. Although no relative
contribution can be quantified, all indications are that the
K-25 Site is a relatively small contributor of mercury to Poplar
Creek. At this time, sources for the lead and cadmium cannot be
Water taken from Mitchell Branch kilometer
(MIK) 0.12 was tested on
fish embryos, and proved toxic to them. Other fish health studies
conducted on fish from Mitchell Branch show that these fish are stressed
relative to the fish collected from the reference sites. This stress is
evidenced by elevated levels of liver detoxification enzymes, gill and
liver dysfunctions and changes, and by an abnormal population
distribution of size and age class. In particular, there were very few
individuals from the 1992 brood. However, fish born in 1992 were also
scarce at the reference sites. It is possible that this scarcity may
therefore reflect some widespread natural disturbance of breeding
patterns that occurred in 1992. This, and the trends of the other
indicators and the fact that the fish community as a whole seems to be
rebounding, suggest that the stress is due to a variety of causes, and
that some or all of them may be episodic in nature.
The community studies conducted in Mitchell Branch show that the stream
has been impacted. Studies of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna show
that both species diversity and richness are below that of the reference
sites. Although there has been considerable variation in the sample
results through time, it does appear that Mitchell Branch is recovering.
As the studies have progressed, there has also been a gradual increase
in the number of fish species present in the creek, as well as in
numbers of individuals.
In the summer of 1995, the K-25 Site program was modified. Several
tasks were reduced in scope or frequency, and some subtasks were
eliminated altogether. Toxicity testing was eliminated from Poplar Creek
and the Clinch River, and the frequency was reduced at storm drain 180,
which has not historically exhibited toxicity in the effluent. Fathead
minnow toxicity tests on storm drain effluent was also discontinued, as
tests have proven to be more sensitive. If a problem is found at any of
the storm drains, fathead minnow tests will be reinstated. Fish
bioaccumulation studies in Mitchell Branch and the K-1007 Ponds were
discontinued, as it has already been demonstrated that some contaminants
are accumulating in fish from these waters. Similarly, whole body
analysis of prey fish has been discontinued, as data sufficient for the
present uses has already been collected. The assessment of fish health
and the in-stream monitoring of Mitchell Branch have been discontinued
for the present. In-stream monitoring will resume on a two year cycle,
and the assessment of fish health may be re-instated after further
remediation activities on the K-25 Site are completed. All of these
modifications were made with the approval of the
4.1.5 ORNL Nonradiological Airborne Emissions Monitoring
ORNL operates 31 permitted air emission sources. Most of these sources
are small-scale activities and result in very low emission rates. TDEC
air permits for ORNL sources do not require stack sampling or
monitoring; however, an opacity monitor is used at the steam plant to
ensure compliance with visible emissions. The steam plant and two small
oil-fired boilers are the largest emission sources at ORNL and account
for 98% of all allowable emissions. Results
The opacity monitor at the steam plant operated without incident during
1995. No opacity exceedences of permit limits were noted. Emissions of
other materials have been estimated and are provided in Table 4.5.
4.1.6 K-25 Site Nonradiological Airborne Emissions Monitoring
The CAA provides the basis for protecting air quality and regulating air
pollution. The TDEC Division of Air Pollution Control has been delegated
the authority by EPA to implement and enforce the sections of the CAA
related to nonradiological air emissions in the state of Tennessee.
Title V of the CAA amendments of 1990 will require the
K-25 Site to submit a new permit application package to TDEC for
all sources in operation. The K-25 Site is one of the many sources
that will submit applications early in the Title V Program as a
participant in TDEC's early volunteer program. Preparation for the new
permit application includes an air emissions inventory of allowable and
actual emissions from the K-25 Site. To verify the annual air
emission fee assessment, which is based on the K-25 Site's
allowable limits for air pollutants, an inventory of potential emissions
from the permitted sources at the K-25 Site is updated annually.
Table 4.6
shows the allowable emissions of criteria pollutants from the
K-25 Site for the past 3 years. An inventory of actual
emissions from all permitted sources in operation at the K-25 Site
was completed in 1995. Table 4.7
shows actual emissions from the K-25 Site. Results
The major sources of criteria air pollutants at the K-25 Site are
the four steam-generating units in operation at the K-1501 Steam Plant.
These units use natural gas as their primary fuel source, with
No. 2 fuel oil used as backup during curtailment of natural gas
supplies. Table 4.9
presents the estimated and allowable emissions from the steam plant
for 1995.4.2.1 Radiological Liquid Discharges
DOE Order 5400.1 requires that
effluent monitoring be conducted at all DOE sites. DOE Order 5400.5 sets
annual dose standards to members of the public, as a consequence of
routine DOE operations, of 100 mrem through all exposure pathways
and 4 mrem from the drinking water pathway. Effluent monitoring
results are a major component in the determination of compliance with
these dose standards. Y-12 Plant Radiological Summary
Regulatory Requirements
At the Y-12 Plant, radiological monitoring of effluents and surface
waters is also a component of the
NPDES permit (TN002968). The
permit, issued in 1995, required that the Y-12 Plant reevaluate the
radiological monitoring plan and that it submit results from the
monitoring program quarterly, as an addendum to the NPDES Discharge
Monitoring Report. There were no discharge limits set by the new NPDES
permit for radionuclides; the requirement is only to monitor and report.
The Radiological Monitoring Plan for the Y-12 Plant: Surface
(Energy Systems 1995
) was revised and reissued to better characterize the radiological
components of plant effluents and to reflect changes in plant
operations. The monitoring program was designed to monitor effluent at
three types of locations: (1) treatment facilities, (2) other
point and area source discharges, and (3) in-stream locations. The
revised monitoring plan, fully implemented in 1995, incorporates new
monitoring locations, revisions to the parameter list (such as the
addition of gamma scans), and the proposed requirements of
10 CFR 834. Results
Radiological monitoring plan sampling locations are noted in Fig. 4.10. Table 4.11
identifies the monitored locations, the frequency of monitoring, and
the sum of DCG percentages for radionuclides measured in 1995.
Radiological data for all locations were well below the allowable DCGs.
The highest summed percentage of DCGs was from the in-stream location at
Bear Creek kilometer
(BCK) 11.97. Uranium
(234U and 238U) and 237Np were the
major contributors of radioactivity there, contributing 7.0, 11.0, and
3.7%, respectively, to the total 21.7% of the sum of the
percentages of the DCGs. Minor contributors account for the remaining
0.3%. ORNL Radiological Summary
ORNL Surface Waters Receiving Effluents
Under the Radiological Monitoring Plan for the
ORNL NPDES Permit, sampling
for radiological analyses is conducted at five NPDES stations and at six
ambient stream locations around ORNL. The five NPDES stations are Sewage
Treatment Plant (X01), Nonradiological Wastewater Treatment Facility
(NRWTF) (X12), Melton
Branch 1 (X13), White Oak Creek
(WOC) (X14), and White Oak Dam
(WOD) (X15). The six ambient
stations are 7500 Road Bridge, First Creek, Fifth Creek, Melton
Branch 2, Northwest Tributary, and Raccoon Creek (Fig. 4.14). In addition, water samples are collected for radiological analyses
from the Clinch River at Melton Hill Dam and from WOC headwaters, two
locations above ORNL discharge points that serve as references for
other water sampling locations at the ORNL site. Categories of Effluents
Radiological monitoring is conducted at NPDES Category I and
Category II outfalls. Category I outfalls are storm drains.
Category II outfalls are roof drains, parking lot drains, storage
area drains, spill area drains, once-through cooling water,
cooling-tower blowdown, condensate, and drains in the disposal
demonstration area. Under the NPDES Radiological Monitoring Plan,
gross beta is measured at Category I and Category II outfalls.
If a gross beta result exceeds a trigger level (810 pCi/L), then a
total radioactive strontium analysis is conducted. K-25 Site Radiological Summary
The K-25 Site conducts radiological monitoring of liquid effluent
to determine compliance with applicable dose standards and the ALARA
process by maintaining potential exposures to members of the public as
low as is reasonably achievable. Sample Collection and Analytical Procedure
The K-25 Site monitors three major effluent discharge points for
radiological parameters: the K-1203 Sewage Treatment Plant discharge
(Outfall 005), the K-1407-J treated effluent from the
CNF (Outfall 011), and
the K-1515-C filter backwash from the Sanitary Water Treatment Facility
(Outfall 009) (Fig. 4.22). Weekly samples are collected from each of these locations. The weekly
samples are composited into monthly samples and analyzed for
radionuclides. Results of these sampling efforts are compared with the
DCGs. Results
The sum of the fractions of the DCGs at K-1407-J was calculated at
69% for CY 1995; however, most discharges occurred during the first
half of the year. The increase in 1995 was determined to be caused by
changes in TSCA Incinerator
feed material. Changes in operations during the second half of 1995
significantly improved the removal efficiency of the CNF and resulted in
reduced discharges of radionuclides. The sum of the fractions of the
DCGs for effluent locations K-1203 and K-1515-C remained below 3%.
Table 4.14
lists radionuclides discharged from the K-25 Site to off-site
surface waters in 1995.4.2.2 Nonradiological Liquid Discharges
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act and its amendments, more
commonly known as the CWA,
were the culmination of almost a century of litigation and political
debates about water pollution. The two main goals of the CWA are
(1) to attain a level of water quality that provides for the
protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and provides
for recreation in and on the water and (2) to eliminate the
discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. Y-12 Plant Surface Water and Liquid
The current Y-12 Plant NPDES permit, issued on April 28, 1995
and effective on July 1, 1995, requires sampling, analysis, and
reporting at approximately 100 outfalls. The number is subject to
change as outfalls are eliminated or consolidated or if permitted
discharges are added. Three outfalls to
EFPC (Outfalls 32, 122,
and 133) were physically eliminated in 1995 after permit issuance.
During the previous 2 years, 46 outfalls were eliminated as
part of a program to remove or consolidate outfall pipes on EFPC. Since
the mid-1980s more than 250 untreated wastewater point sources that
previously discharged to surface waters have been either eliminated from
direct discharge or routed to a wastewater treatment facility.
Currently, the Y-12 Plant has outfalls and monitoring points in the
following water drainage areas: EFPC, Bear Creek, an unnamed tributary
to McCoy Branch, and two unnamed tributaries to the Clinch River. At the
end of 1995 there were sixty outfalls discharging various types of waste
water (condensate, cooling water, groundwater, water from building
sumps, treated process wastewaters, and other wastewaters). Of the
60 outfalls, nine discharge storm water only, three discharge steam
condensate only, two discharge groundwater only, and two are potable
water blowdowns. Twenty-eight of the permitted outfalls are actually
in-stream monitoring locations throughout the Y-12 Plant area. Five
internal monitoring points monitor the effluent from wastewater
treatment facilities. Sanitary Wastewater
Sanitary wastewater from the Y-12 Plant is discharged to the city
of Oak Ridge POTW under Industrial and Commercial Users Wastewater
Permit Number 1-91. Monitoring is conducted under the terms of the
permit for a variety of organic and inorganic pollutants. During 1995
the wastewater flow in this system averaged about 825,000 gal/day
(3,121,800 L/day). Results
In 1995 the Y-12 Plant reduced NPDES excursions by 45% from
1994 (from 11 in 1994 to 6 in 1995). Only two of the excursions were
caused by exceedences of wastewater discharge limits. In 1995 none of
the Y-12 Plant NPDES excursions were attributable to administrative
errors such as missing analytical sample holding times, loss of a
sample, or improper sample preservation. All Y-12 Plant NPDES
permit excursions recorded in 1995 are summarized in Appendix F,
Table F.1. Tables 4.15 and 4.16 record the NPDES compliance monitoring requirements and the 1995
compliance record. Progress in Implementing Corrective Actions and
Significant Improvements
East Fork Poplar Creek Dechlorination
Two dechlorination systems that began operating in December 1992
continued to provide dechlorination for 75% of EFPC flow
(20% of EFPC flow is estimated to be groundwater). In-stream levels
of total residual chlorine were typically about 0.01 mg/L during
1995 as compared with outfall discharge levels before 1993 of about 0.3
to 1.0 mg/L. Fish populations and density have increased
significantly. Additional dechlorination has been achieved by
installation of five tablet dechlorinators during 1995 (which now
total 38) at chlorine-discharge sources. Outfall 125, the next
largest nondechlorinated outfall, began treatment in 1995, following
installation of a dechlorination system in late 1994. Fish Kill Summary
During 1995 the Y-12 Plant reported two incidents to TDEC involving
fish kills within the Y-12 Plant boundaries. One incident was
attributed to activities within the plant; the other incident was
attributed to natural causes. ORNL Nonradiological Summary
ORNL NPDES permit TN0002941 became effective on April 1, 1986, and
expired in March 1991; the conditions of the expired permit remain
in effect until a new permit is negotiated. The permit renewal
application was submitted in September 1990. It is anticipated that
ORNL's permit will be renewed in 1996. Data collected for the NPDES
permit are submitted to the state of Tennessee in the monthly Discharge
Monitoring Report. Mercury in the Aquatic Environment
The mercury monitoring program at ORNL is conducted to comply with the
CWA and Part III of the ORNL NPDES permit. Samples of surface water
and stream sediment in Bethel and Melton valleys are collected
semiannually and analyzed for mercury content. The primary purpose of
this effort is to identify, locate, and minimize all mercury
contamination from ORNL discharges to the aquatic environment. PCBs in the Aquatic Environment
The PCB monitoring program at ORNL is conducted to comply with the CWA
and Part III of the ORNL NPDES permit. Samples of stream sediment are
collected semiannually and analyzed for PCB Aroclor content. The program
to collect water samples for PCB analysis was dropped in 1992, because
PCB levels in the water samples had been below analytical detection
limits for several years. K-25 Site Surface Water Effluents
The current K-25 Site NPDES permit went into effect on
October 1, 1992, and was issued a major revision effective
June 1, 1995. The revision included the removal of inactive
outfalls, the addition of effluent limits for new treatment technologies
at CNF, the addition of new storm drains, and clarification of various
requirements. In accordance with the NPDES permit, the K-25 Site is
authorized to discharge process wastewater, cooling water, storm water,
steam condensate, and groundwater to the Clinch River, Poplar Creek, and
Mitchell Branch. The permit currently includes five facility outfalls
and 137 storm drain outfalls. Compliance with the permit for the
last 5 years is summarized by the major effluent locations in
Fig. 4.30. Table 4.20 details the permit requirements and compliance records for all of
the outfalls that discharged during 1995. The table provides a list of
the discharge points, effluent analytes, permit limits, number of
noncompliances, and the percentage of compliance for 1995. Samples from
these outfalls are collected and analyzed as specified in the NPDES
permit. Results
Outfall 005 is the discharge point for the K-25 Site sewage
treatment plant, which is an extended aeration treatment plant having a
rated capacity of 2.3 million L/d [0.6 million gallons per day
(Mgd)] and a current use of
about 1.4 million L/d (0.36 Mgd). Treated effluent from the main
plant is discharged into Poplar Creek through this outfall. This
facility had two NPDES permit noncompliances during 1995.4.3 TOXICITY CONTROL AND MONITORING PROGRAM
4.3.1 Y-12 Plant Toxicity Control and Monitoring Program
In accordance with the 1985
NPDES Permit
(Part III-C, page III-3), a Toxicity Control and Monitoring
Program (TCMP) that evaluates
plant discharges for toxicity is required. Results of toxicity tests
from three wastewater treatment facilities (Central Pollution Control
Facility, West End Treatment Facility
(WETF), and Groundwater
Treatment Facility), an in-stream monitoring location (Outfall 201), and
four locations in the storm sewer system are given in Table 4.21.
For each site, the table shows the date the test was initiated, the
no-observed-effect concentration
(NOEC) and/or the 48- or
96-hour LC50 for Ceriodaphnia dubia
and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas
), and the calculated in-stream waste concentration
(IWC). The TCMP was conducted
from January 1 to June 30, 1995, until the effective date of
the 1995 NPDES Permit.4.3.2 Y-12 Plant Biomonitoring Program
After the July 1 effective date of the 1995 NPDES Permit, the
following toxicity tests were completed between July 1 and
December 31, 1995, to fulfill the biomonitoring requirements of the
permit (Part III-C, page 39). Table 4.22
is a summary of wastewater treatment system and storm sewer effluents,
the corresponding 48-hour LC50, and the calculated IWC.
Table 4.23
is a summary of the NOECs and 96-hour LC50s for the
in-stream monitoring location, Outfall ORNL Toxicity Control and Monitoring Program
Under the TCMP, wastewaters from the
STP, the
CYRTF, and the
NRWTF were evaluated for
toxicity. In addition, two ambient in-stream sites were evaluated; one
site is located on Melton Branch (NPDES permit point X13) and the
other on WOC (permit
point X14). The results of the toxicity tests of wastewaters from
the three treatment facilities and the two ambient stream sites are
given in Table 4.24 . This table provides, for each wastewater and ambient water, the
month the test was conducted, sample treatment (if any), the
wastewater's NOEC for fathead minnows and Ceriodaphnia
, and the IWC, if appropriate. The NOEC is the concentration that
did not reduce survival or growth of fathead minnows or survival or
reproduction of Ceriodaphnia
. Average water quality measurements obtained during each toxicity test
are shown in Table 4.25.
4.3.4 K-25 Site Toxicity Control and Monitoring Program
The NPDES permit requires that toxicity testing be performed at
Outfall 005 and Outfall 011. Accordingly, toxicity testing was
conducted at Outfall 005 and Outfall 011 bimonthly until
October 1993. Outfall 011 passed every toxicity test during the first
year of the permit, and in accordance with the NPDES permit it was
placed on a biannual testing schedule for 1994. It passed all toxicity
tests that were conducted in 1995. Outfall 005 passed all tests and
was also placed on a biannual sampling schedule in July 1995.4.4 BIOLOGICAL MONITORING AND ABATEMENT PROGRAM
4.4.1 Monitoring Contaminant Concentrations
The BMAPs mandated by
NPDES permits at the
Y-12 Plant, ORNL, and
the K-25 Site each contain tasks concerned with monitoring the
accumulation of contaminants in the biota of receiving waters. The
primary objectives of the contaminant-accumulation studies are
(1) to identify substances that accumulate to undesirable levels in
biota as a result of discharges from
DOE facilities, (2) to
determine the significance of those discharges relative to other sources
in determining contaminant concentrations in biota in receiving waters,
and (3) to provide a baseline measure of biotic contamination to
use in evaluating the effectiveness of any future remedial measures. The
nonradiological contaminants of most concern in biota have been found to
be mercury and PCBs. Elevated
concentrations (relative to local reference sites) of mercury and PCBs
in biota are associated with discharges at all three facilities
(Figs. 4.31 and 4.32).4.4.2 Toxicity of Lithium Discharges to Oak Ridge Stream Is Mitigated by Sodium
Routine compliance tests conducted for a groundwater treatment facility
(GWTF) at the Oak Ridge
Y-12 Plant showed that the facility's effluent was acutely toxic to
Ceriodaphnia dubia
(a microcrustacean) and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas
) larvae. Chemical analyses of GWTF effluent identified lithium as a
potential toxicant-a noticeable increase in toxicity corresponded to an
increase in lithium. Because little information has been published on
lithium toxicity to aquatic organisms, the Toxicology Laboratory in the
Environmental Sciences Division at ORNL initiated an investigation to
assess the toxicity of lithium and the possible mitigating effects of
sodium. Tests conducted with fathead minnows, C. dubia
, a snail (Elimia clavaeformis
), and buttercrunch lettuce (Lactuca sativa
) demonstrated that lithium was acutely toxic at concentrations as low
as 1 mg/L and was the component of the GWTF effluent responsible for
decreasing the survival of C. dubia
and fathead minnows in laboratory tests. Tests with LiCl in combination
with Na2SO4 demonstrated that the presence of
sodium reduced the toxicity of lithium to C. dubia
. Survival and reproduction of C. dubia
exposed to 1-4 mg of lithium/L were not adversely affected when
the molar ratio of Na:Li was \math{\geq }2. These findings are
significant to the ORR because the sodium content of the receiving
stream EFPC will likely render lithium discharged from the GWTF
nontoxic. The findings are also applicable beyond the reservation
because lithium is widely used in industry (e.g., lithium-aluminum
alloys) and can accumulate in soils.4.4.3 Reduction of Aqueous Mercury Inputs to East Fork Poplar Creek Is Slow To Produce a Corresponding Decrease in Mercury Bioaccumulation in Fish
Since 1980, the RMPEs program
at the Y-12 Plant has reduced average mercury concentrations and
loading in upper EFPC by is similar to 50% and 80%, respectively.
However, the expected corresponding decrease in mercury bioaccumulation
in fish in EFPC has not occurred. Since 1985, mercury concentrations in
redbreast sunfish have been monitored twice yearly at five sites in EFPC
downstream from the Y-12 Plant as part of the BMAP and as required
by the plant's NPDES permit. Although a striking decrease in mercury
bioaccumulation in redbreast sunfish was observed from 1988 to 1991,
following closure and replacement of New Hope Pond in upper EFPC, that
decrease did not continue over the ensuing 3 years, and mean mercury
concentrations in sunfish at the Y-12 Plant boundary have remained
essentially unchanged for the entire post-New Hope Pond period. At sites
located 5 and 10 km downstream from the boundary, mean mercury
concentrations in sunfish have not exhibited an increasing or decreasing
trend over the past 10 years. The expected response has probably been
delayed and offset in part by biological responses to water quality
improvements in upper EFPC. Reaches of EFPC upstream from the plant's
boundary that once contained few fish now have fish population densities
3 to 5 times greater than reference sites. Biological activity in this
reach of EFPC produces methylmercury, which is accumulated in fish and
stream invertebrates. Because methylmercury in fish is efficiently
recycled by food-chain transfer and the total mass of methylmercury
present in the EFPC fish population is a significant fraction of the
amount of methylmercury exported by annual base stream flow, this new
reservoir of methylmercury in expanded fish populations in upper EFPC
acts as a continuing source of methylmercury to aquatic life at
downstream sites. Although this reservoir may delay the response in fish
to elimination of mercury sources, reductions in aqueous mercury inputs
should eventually translate into decreased mercury contamination in
aquatic life. 4.4.4 Sources of Contamination to Stream Biota Are Identified and Evaluated
Past monitoring of stream biota on the DOE ORR identified high
concentrations of mercury and PCBs in fish collected near the three DOE
facilities. Resident fish suitable for use in bioaccumulation monitoring
studies, however, were often not present in the shallow headwater areas
nearest the facility discharges. A major objective of more recent
monitoring was to identify and evaluate specific sources of bioavailable
contamination in some of these headwater areas. Researchers placed
uncontaminated Asiatic clams (Corbicula fluminea
) in cages for 4-week exposure periods in an upstream reach of Mitchell
Branch, a stream near the K-25 Site. A total of five cages of clams
were placed upstream and downstream of each of four locations-three
major storm drains (SD170, SD180, and SD190) and a sediment deposition
area of the stream-to ascertain the relative PCB contributions, if any,
from these sources. Whereas mean PCB concentrations in clams were
similar at the three most upstream cage sites, they were nearly double
the concentrations at the site downstream of SD190. The mean PCB
concentration in clams placed at the lowermost site (i.e., in the
sediment deposition area) was approximately one-third higher than the
concentration in clams placed downstream of SD190, suggesting that the
sediment deposition area was also a source of PCBs to downstream waters.
To evaluate mercury bioavailability in Mitchell Branch and in Bear
Creek, a stream near the Y-12 Plant, researchers caged blacknose
dace (Rhinichthys atratulus
), a common stream minnow, in these streams for 12-week exposure
periods. Although mercury concentrations in the caged dace were found to
be relatively low, the concentrations were high enough to indicate that
the two streams contain sources of biologically available mercury
atypical of background conditions in East Tennessee. Overall, use of
these caged sentinels, in conjunction with monitoring of resident
sunfish, was successful in identifying and evaluating some of the small
(but potentially significant) point sources of contamination to
aquatic life.4.4.5 Fish Communities in Mitchell Branch Are Recovering Following Remedial Actions
Ecological monitoring of Mitchell Branch, which originates near the
northeast boundary of the K-25 Site, was initiated in September
1986. To identify impacts and to document recovery resulting from
remedial actions, surveys of fish communities were conducted at two
monitoring sites: MIK 0.71, which is located downstream of SD-170,
and MIK 0.45, which is located downstream of all major effluents.
Assessments of fish communities included species richness (number of
species) and fish density (number per unit area). The fish communities
at the two sites consisted of only three species in 1986 and 1987; fish
were absent at these sites from 1988 through 1990. However, several
remedial actions were taken during the period 1987-94 to improve the
water quality in Mitchell Branch. Following these remedial actions, the
fish communities began to recover. Total fish species at the two
monitoring sites increased gradually from two in 1991 to ten in 1994.
Although five of the ten species were represented by only a few
individuals, which do not represent stable populations, their presence
may be indicative of improving water quality conditions within Mitchell
Branch. Individual fish densities for the more common species have
fluctuated throughout the 1986-94 sampling period. Populations of
central stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum
), blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus
), creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus
), banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae
), and redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus
) appear to be well established but may continue to change as the fish
communities change. Stabilization of species richness and densities is
expected to occur in the later stages of recovery.4.4.6 Cessation of Fly Ash Discharges to McCoy Branch Leads to Recovery of the Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community
From 1955 through 1988, the steam plant of DOE's Oak Ridge
Y-12 Plant sluiced all fly ash and bottom ash generated during
operations into the headwaters of McCoy Branch. In late 1988, coal usage
and discharges had declined by is similar to 40%. Beginning in late
1989, all discharges of ash were sluiced directly to a quarry that
transected the stream, is similar to 1 km from the ash's original point
of entry. A biological monitoring program was implemented in 1989 to
help evaluate the ecological condition of the stream and the response of
the biota to these changes in ash discharges. As a component of this
program, the benthic macroinvertebrate community was surveyed from April
1989 through October 1993 at two sites in McCoy Branch (one just
upstream and one downstream of the quarry) and at one site in a nearby,
relatively unimpacted reference stream. Community structure was
evaluated with the following indices: total richness; richness of
Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera
(EPT); and abundances of EPT
taxa. During the first year of the survey, these indices were
substantially lower in McCoy Branch-particularly upstream of the
quarry-than at the reference site, implying that ash discharges were
adversely affecting the macroinvertebrate community. However, after
January 1990, marked increases were observed in total richness, EPT
richness, and relative abundances of EPT taxa in McCoy Branch; these
increases persisted through 1993. Although indices of benthic community
structure for McCoy Branch continue to show evidence of slight
ecological impact, they generally fall within or near the ranges of
indices typical of local reference streams. Documenting these changes
demonstrates the importance of using long-term benthic macroinvertebrate
studies to evaluate the effectiveness of abatement activities and
remedial actions.