US Dept of Energy

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Records Returned: 75

Document NumberTitleAbstractDate ReceivedAuthorDocument Link
DOE/OR/01-2970&D1[Letter to Roger B. Petrie, U.S. DOE-ORO, from Jana Dawson, U.S. EPA, Region IV, re: EPA Comment Letter on Remedial Investigation Work Plan for the White Wing Scrap Yard (Waste Area Grouping 11), Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (DOE/OR/01-2970EPA has reviewed the subject document. Formal comments are provided.May 31, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2929&D2[Letter to Roger B. Petrie, U.S. DOE-ORO, from Randy C. Young, TDEC, DOE Oversight Division, re: TDEC Approval Letter Phased Construction Completion Report for the Non-Time-Critical Removal Action Building 9404-18 Demineralizer Facility Mercury-ContaminatTDEC has reviewed the subject document. The State has no additional comments and approves the document as final.May 22, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2561&D3/A1[Letter to Roger Petrie, U.S. DOE-ORO, from, Constance A. Jones, U.S. EPA, Region IV, re: EPA Comments on the Addendum to the Final Zone 1 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for a Supplemental Ecological Evaluation at the East Tennessee TechEPA has reviewed the subject document. DOE transmitted the document electronically on April 24, 2024, and the EPA received it on the same day.June 18, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2970&D1[Letter to Samantha Urquhart-Foster, U.S. EPA, Region IV, and Randy C. Young, TDEC, DOE Oversight Division, from Brian T. Henry, U.S. DOE-ORO, and Roger B. Petrie, U.S. DOE-ORO, re: Transmittal of Remedial Investigation Work Plan for White Wing Scrap YardThis letter transmits copies of the subject document to the regulators for review. February 22, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2957&D2[Letter to Samantha Urquhart-Foster, U.S. EPA, Region IV, and Randy C. Young, TDEC, DOE Oversight Division, from Brian T. Henry, U.S. DOE-ORO, and Roger B. Petrie, U.S. DOE-ORO, re: Transmittal of the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for North TributaThis letter transmits copies of the subject document to the regulators for review. Responses to comments on the D1 version from the regulators are also provided.June 4, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2961&D1[Letter to Samantha Urquhart-Foster, U.S. EPA, Region IV, and Randy C. Young, TDEC, DOE Oversight Division, from Brian T. Henry, U.S. DOE-ORO, and Roger B. Petrie, U.S. DOE-ORO, re: Transmittal of the Waste Handling Plan for the Demolition of Building 972This letter transmits copies of the subject document to the regulators for review. June 4, 2024
 [Memorandum to Kelly Snyder, U.S. DOE-ORO, from Melyssa P. Noe, U.S. DOE-ORO, re: Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board Meeting Minutes for April 10, 2024]This memorandum attaches the approved minutes from the April 10, 2024, ORSSAB monthly board meeting.June 14, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2957&D2Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for North Tributary-8 at the Y-12 National Security Complex Bear Creek Burial Grounds, Oak Ridge, TennesseeThis engineering evaluation/cost analysis (EE/CA) develops and evaluates interim removal alternatives to address uranium discharges to Bear Creek via North Tributary-8 (NT-8). NT-8 carries runoff and contaminants from the western end of the Bear Creek BurJune 4, 2024
DOE/OR/01-2970&D1Remedial Investigation Work Plan for White Wing Scrap Yard (Waste Area Grouping 11), Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TennesseeThis Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan (RIWP) for the White Wing Scrap Yard (WWSY), also called Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Waste Area Grouping (WAG) 11, describes the work that will support development of a final Record of Decision (ROD) addFebruary 2024
DOE/OR/01-2961&D1Waste Handling Plan for the Demolition of Building 9720-17 at the Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, TennesseeThe Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) for the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) (U.S. Department of Energy [DOE]/OR 1014) requires the development of a Waste Handling Plan (WHP) that describes the sampling and characterization methodologies to be used in supportMay 2024